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Apartamento em San Francisco, Estados Unidos - na casa de Julia & Emily

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Os destinos preferidos de Julia & Emily são Paris, Minneapolis, New York e 1 mais. Veja mais
Residência principal
Dormem 6
1 Quarto
1 Banheiro
646 ft²
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Julia & Emily Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

We live in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment on the third floor of a small residential building on beautiful palm-tree-lined Dolores Street. The apartment features a fully equipped kitchen with updated appliances, an open layout living/dining area with large windows, and a bathroom with shower over tub. There are shared washers and dryers on the ground floor of the building.

The bedroom is set up with a crib/cot suitable for infant or toddler, as well as a large pull-out chair suitable for a single adult or child. The main living area contains a queen-sized wall/murphy bed, which is very comfortable and so easy to put up and down—you don't need to remove any bedding, not even pillows! We also have a pull-out sofa that can sleep an additional two guests. There is a light-blocking curtain that can be used to separate the wall bed and sofa bed zones for privacy.

The set-up is perfect for a family with small children, but the many sleeping options let it work well for a couple, a family with older kids, or even a small group of friends. (Sleeps up to five, not counting the crib.) If you are traveling with little ones, we can set up the space front of the wall bed cabinet as a play area; otherwise we will pack away all our child's things, so you will encounter no kid clutter.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

Our home is ideally located between the Mission and Noe Valley neighborhoods, and an easy walk to the Castro or Bernal Heights. Or hop on the BART train at 24th Street Station (10 min walk) or the J-Church MUNI tram (5 min walk) and be downtown in minutes. We love where we live, and we think you will, too!

Our neighborhood is blessed with the best weather in the city—you may experience early morning fog depending on the time of year, but blue skies are the norm here. Walk north, just over the hill to Dolores Park, a gorgeously landscaped public space spanning two city-blocks, encompassing sports facilities, a phenomenal children's playground, and acres of rolling grassy fields perfect for picnicking and people-watching. Continue northwest past the park and you'll find yourself in the Castro, SF's historically gay neighborhood, complete with rainbow crosswalks. A five minute walk east of our home will find you on Valencia Street, a ten-block pedestrian-friendly stretch of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, independent bookstores and boutiques—a shopper's paradise! If you walk up the hill to the south and swing a right, you'll be in Noe Valley, a quiet, family-friendly neighborhood with a well-stocked wine shop, a Saturday farmer's market, and a full-service grocery store. A slightly longer walk southwest of where we live takes you to Bernal Heights, a cozy, quiet neighborhood ringing a hilltop park with some of the best views in the city. We don't own a car, and we think you'll find you don't need one. It's easy to get around the city by bus, tram, train, or bike. (We live across the street from a bikeshare station!) If you do prefer to go by car, it's never more than a few minutes' wait for a Lyft or Uber.

Informação adicional

We have a very friendly cat named Lovegood. She is relatively low maintenance, but she does need to be fed twice a day and have her litter box scooped a few times a week. She enjoys being around people and will probably want to sit on your lap when you're relaxing on the couch. Also, we ask that you please respect our neighbors by keeping noise down after 10pm.

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Nossos princípios básicos

Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa

Equipamento único


Indicada para crianças

Brinquedos infantis
Equipamento para bebe

Comodidades ecológicas

Fornecedor de energia renovável
Máquinas de baixo consumo
Acesso ao transporte público
Triagem seletiva de lixo
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Esta casa tem animais de estimação que podem provocar alergias!


regras da casa

Crianças bem-vindas
Gato para cuidar


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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Este alojamento tem 1 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 60m2.
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