Apartamento em Glendale, Estados Unidos - na casa de Lynn & Bill Woods
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Residência principal
Dormem 2
2 Quartos
2 WC's
1281 ft²
1 cama de casal
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Lynn & Bill Woods Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.
o que você amará nesta casa
Welcome to our home in the quaint village of Montrose, which is part of the Glendale area of Los Angeles. City destinations start in nearby Pasadena and extend south and west to all areas of L.A.
Our bright condo is on the top floor of a small complex and provides a very comfortable, quiet, and private space. It has the newest of appliances and trims, and two large living room windows look out on the surrounding mountains.
We have a large bedroom, plus a tiny second one that we use as an office/reading room. Two large bathrooms offer both a walk-in shower and a deep-soak tub.
A pleasant veranda overlooks the quiet back street. The high-speed internet offers a strong connection. Also enjoy our large-screen TV with Netflix, Prime, Hulu, and BritBox.
Our bright condo is on the top floor of a small complex and provides a very comfortable, quiet, and private space. It has the newest of appliances and trims, and two large living room windows look out on the surrounding mountains.
We have a large bedroom, plus a tiny second one that we use as an office/reading room. Two large bathrooms offer both a walk-in shower and a deep-soak tub.
A pleasant veranda overlooks the quiet back street. The high-speed internet offers a strong connection. Also enjoy our large-screen TV with Netflix, Prime, Hulu, and BritBox.
O que vai adorar na vizinhança
Situated within easy walking distance of a major market, Trader Joe's, we are also adjacent to the village of Montrose, a quaint strolling neighborhood with unique shops, restaurants and bars. We love the location for its ease and comfort--Leave your car in the garage and enjoy the small-town feel on foot. Virtually everything you need is right here.
Informação adicional
Freeways & Destinations:
- The 210 E fwy takes you to Eagle Rock & Pasadena in about 15 mins. (See the Norton Simon Museum of Art, Old Town, Huntington Gardens, & the Pacific Asia Museum.)
- To reach downtown L.A., about 25 mins, take the 2 S fwy off the 210 E, & take the 5 S fwy to the 110 S fwy. Exit left at Chinatown. (See MOCA, the Broad art museum, Grand Park, Grand Central Market, Little Tokyo.)
- To reach Burbank & San Fernando Valley, 20+ mins, take the 2 S fwy to 134 W.
- To reach West L.A., the Getty Museum, & the beaches, 50-60 mins, take the 2 S fwy to the 5 S fwy to the 110 S to the 10 W fwy.
- The 210 E fwy takes you to Eagle Rock & Pasadena in about 15 mins. (See the Norton Simon Museum of Art, Old Town, Huntington Gardens, & the Pacific Asia Museum.)
- To reach downtown L.A., about 25 mins, take the 2 S fwy off the 210 E, & take the 5 S fwy to the 110 S fwy. Exit left at Chinatown. (See MOCA, the Broad art museum, Grand Park, Grand Central Market, Little Tokyo.)
- To reach Burbank & San Fernando Valley, 20+ mins, take the 2 S fwy to 134 W.
- To reach West L.A., the Getty Museum, & the beaches, 50-60 mins, take the 2 S fwy to the 5 S fwy to the 110 S to the 10 W fwy.
Número da Oferta
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Nossos princípios básicos
Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa
Plugue de carro elétrico
TV inteligente
TV a cabo
Equipamento único
Ar condicionado
Estacionamento privado
Varanda / quintal
Comodidades ecológicas
Máquinas de baixo consumo
Triagem seletiva de lixo
Esta casa tem animais de estimação que podem provocar alergias!
regras da casa
Plantas a regar
Gato para cuidar
Perguntas frequentes
Este alojamento é adequado para trabalhadores remotos?
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Este alojamento tem um lugar de estacionamento?
Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Quantos quartos existem neste alojamento?
Este alojamento tem 2 quartos.
Qual é a área de superfície deste alojamento?
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 119m2.
Comece a trocar sua casa!
Para organizar uma troca de casa, é necessário ser membro.