Casa com jardim em Carlsbad, Estados Unidos - na casa de Laurie
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Os destinos preferidos de laurie são Portugal, Aix-en-Provence. Veja mais
Residência principal
Dormem 5
2 Quartos
2 WC's
1650 ft²
2 grandes camas de casal
cama de bebê adicional
Inscreva-se agora!
Junte-se à comunidade por 160 € e organize quantas trocas quiser durante 1 ano.
Saiba maisDescrição
laurie Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.
o que você amará nesta casa
My lovingly appointed cottage style home is charming, cozy, quiet and comfortable.
It was built in 1925 but has been completely renovated. I studied the art of feng shui-creating spaces that nurture and support, and have designed the interior with those principles in mind.
The property has both a front and back yard, and a comfy front patio great for drinking coffee or wine while people watching (many folks walk down our street to get to the beach (just blocks from the house).
The property has multiple seating areas, and 22 fruit trees, including avocado, peach, plum, apple, mandarin, loquats...
There is also a separate art studio where I create mosaic art. There is also a detached granny flat with private entrance and courtyard, which I rent out separately as a monthly rental. it is completely separate and private.
It was built in 1925 but has been completely renovated. I studied the art of feng shui-creating spaces that nurture and support, and have designed the interior with those principles in mind.
The property has both a front and back yard, and a comfy front patio great for drinking coffee or wine while people watching (many folks walk down our street to get to the beach (just blocks from the house).
The property has multiple seating areas, and 22 fruit trees, including avocado, peach, plum, apple, mandarin, loquats...
There is also a separate art studio where I create mosaic art. There is also a detached granny flat with private entrance and courtyard, which I rent out separately as a monthly rental. it is completely separate and private.
O que vai adorar na vizinhança
Walk just a few blocks to the beach!
My home is located in a quiet, upscale neighborhood, a mile from charming Carlsbad Village, a popular year-round tourist spot. Tamarack beach is an easy walk away, as is Agua Hedionda Lagoon, home to blue herons, egrits, and sometimes seals. There is convenient access to freeway, train, and all San Diego attractions. 30 minutes from San Diego airport and downtown San Diego. A grocery store, drugstore, Starbucks and several eateries are just a few blocks away.
My home is located in a quiet, upscale neighborhood, a mile from charming Carlsbad Village, a popular year-round tourist spot. Tamarack beach is an easy walk away, as is Agua Hedionda Lagoon, home to blue herons, egrits, and sometimes seals. There is convenient access to freeway, train, and all San Diego attractions. 30 minutes from San Diego airport and downtown San Diego. A grocery store, drugstore, Starbucks and several eateries are just a few blocks away.
Informação adicional
There is also an adorable art studio on the property where I create mosaic art.
Please be aware that we are near the train, which is the case all along the coast in San Diego -it provides an authentic coastal backdrop and most love it, but may not be right for extra light sleepers.
Please be aware that we are near the train, which is the case all along the coast in San Diego -it provides an authentic coastal backdrop and most love it, but may not be right for extra light sleepers.
Número da Oferta
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Nossos princípios básicos
Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa
TV inteligente
Equipamento único
Ar condicionado
Estacionamento privado
Jardim privado
Indicada para teletrabalho
Espaço de trabalho dedicado
Conexão de alta velocidade
Comodidades ecológicas
Acesso ao transporte público
Painéis solares
Triagem seletiva de lixo
Esta casa tem animais de estimação que podem provocar alergias!
regras da casa
Plantas a regar
Perguntas frequentes
Este alojamento tem jardim?
Sim, este alojamento tem jardim. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Este alojamento é adequado para trabalhadores remotos?
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Este alojamento tem um lugar de estacionamento?
Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Quantos quartos existem neste alojamento?
Este alojamento tem 2 quartos.
Qual é a área de superfície deste alojamento?
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 153m2.
Comece a trocar sua casa!
Para organizar uma troca de casa, é necessário ser membro.