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Casa com jardim em Cambridge, Reino Unido - na casa de Miranda

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Os destinos preferidos de Miranda são Lisbon, Palma de Mallorca, Suffolk e 4 mais. Veja mais
Residência principal
Dormem 9
5 Quartos
3 WC's
220 m²
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Miranda tem o Crachá de Patrocinador

3 pessoas na sua rede.

Miranda patrocinou 3 pessoas que se registaram na HomeExchange.Saiba Mais

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Miranda Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

We recently renovated this large family home with private front and back gardens.

The ground floor is modern, open plan with underfloor heating, wood-burning stove and spacious kitchen and living area. The kitchen/dining area opens out to the garden with a full length sliding glass door. The back of the house is bathed in morning sun and the front glows with the sunset in the afternoon and evening. There is ample buggy storage space under the stairs.

The first floor has two kid's rooms, a master bedroom with king size bed, and a bathroom with full sized shower over bath, next to a toilet and sink.

The second floor has two spare rooms that double as studio and dedicated workspace, and a generous wet room style shower next to toilet and sink. The second floor rooms have skylights in addition to windows. There is a large light well over the second set of stairs making the top and first floor bright and airy.

All windows have blinds or curtains, many of them blackout. All stairs have banisters. The utility cupboard has a lock on it to keep small explorers safe. We have bright artwork throughout the house and many childrens and adults books. There is a lot of entertainment for young children including indoor 'Pinkler triangle' climbing frame and slide, den building/'play sofa' cushions, games, jigsaws, construction and an abundance of art and craft supplies. We would be happy to provide scooters and balance bikes/young child pedal bike, along with adult bikes (with or without kids seats on the back) and our (very old and clunky, but lovely and recently serviced) Christiania Cargo bike!

In the garden we have a fruitful apple tree from which we hang a kids swing or kids trapeze, paddling pool and wet side. There is a large trampoline with safety net, small homemade sandpit and all the usual balls and outdoor equipment of young children (in our very dilapidated shed-soon to be replaced!)

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

We are lucky to live in the beautiful De Freville area of Cambridge, a 5-10min walk into central Cambridge and a 15-20min cycle to both Cambridge and North Cambridge Train Station. Our Road ends at the famous rowing boathouses on the River Cam and is much visited and photographed by visitors as it was featured on reality TV abroad. A 1min walk over the closest bridge takes to Midsummer Common and Jesus Green, two lovely green spaces, and riverside pub The Fort St George. There are cows roaming free on Midsummer Common and lovely riverside walking opportunities. On Jesus Green you will find the local playground and the famous Lido, open year round for 100 years and 90m long! It now has a sauna pod as the Lido is unheated! From here it’s a short walk to Magdalene Bridge and the punts. There are numerous quality shops, restaurants, cafes and bars within a few minutes walk. Many more in central cambridge and even the 2 Michelin Star Midsummer House 1 min from our front door! You can easily walk into central Cambridge, many of the colleges, the market and the botanical gardens.
This location is brilliant for easy access to city and nature, following the river in either direction will bring you quickly to scenic countryside and wild swimming spots!

Informação adicional

Número da Oferta

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Nossos princípios básicos

Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa
TV inteligente

Equipamento único

Jardim privado

Indicada para crianças

Brinquedos infantis
Parque infantil
Equipamento para bebe

Indicada para teletrabalho

Espaço de trabalho dedicado
Conexão de alta velocidade

Comodidades ecológicas

Acesso ao transporte público
Triagem seletiva de lixo
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regras da casa

Crianças bem-vindas
Plantas a regar


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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem jardim. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Este alojamento tem 5 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 220m2.
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