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Apartamento com piscina em Mammoth Lakes, Estados Unidos - na casa de Jill

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Residência secundária
Dormem 10
3 Quartos
2 WC's
1 ft²
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Jill Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo centrally located in the heart of Mammoth Lakes. Easy access to lift areas by taking the free Green Linde Shuttle or driving. Close to shops and restaurants. This condo features a spacious living area and bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and two full bathrooms. There is room for everyone to comfortably enjoy their time in Mammoth Lakes.

When you arrive to Wildflower 50 you enter the condo on the second story of the building. Upon entry, the first floor has the living room, dining room, kitchen, first bedroom and first bathroom. The second floor of the condo has the second/third bedroom and bathroom. The living area features a beautiful woodburning stove, large flat screen smart TV, DVD player. There are plenty of windows allowing for lots of natural light as well as an outdoor patio. BBQ on outdoor patio included. The first bedroom has a king size bed and walk-in closet. The second bedroom has a comfortable king size bed and closet. The loft has 5 twin beds. Each bathroom has a separate sink area from the shower and toilet.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

Wildflower is a sprawling property that is well maintained with beautiful summer landscaping, a summer heated pool, year-round hot tub, sauna and BBQ area. Wildflower has an all purpose court available in the summer for tennis, pickleball and basketball. Wildlfower is located close to the Green Line shuttle stop with direct access to Little Eagle or transfers to the Red Line Shuttle to the Village and Main Lodge.

Informação adicional

Número da Oferta

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Nossos princípios básicos

Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa
TV inteligente
TV a cabo

Equipamento único

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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem uma piscina. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Este alojamento tem 3 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 0m2.
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