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Casa com jardim em Somerville, Estados Unidos - na casa de Betty

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Residência principal
Dormem 6
3 Quartos
3 WC's
2400 ft²
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betty Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

Our home is a 3 story Victorian in the vibrant city of Somerville-and less then 4 miles from downtown Boston. The first floor is LR, DR and Kitchen with a small bathroom. All modern, clean and clutter free. We have a fenced in back yard and sitting area. The second floor is a TV room, two bedrooms and a bathroom with a shower in tub. And the top floor is a primary bedroom and en suite bathroom with a shower and separate tub. This is a great home for a family, and since it's our home we have everything you need to be comfortable.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

Somerville is a city on its own and so close to Cambridge (Harvard University) and Boston-all the US History you want. We are a 9 minute walk to the nearest MBTA station-the subway system of Boston, Blue Bikes-rentable bikes which allow you to access the Community Bike Path that runs in both directions; into Boston or away from the city up to Bedford MA. We have one of the best restaurants in the Boston area, Sarma and tons and tons or restaurants, cafes, breweries, neighborhoods to explore, artists studios and more.
Boston has it all... Art museums: The ICA, The Museum of Fine Art, The Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum to name a few! And there are so many more including The art museums of Harvard University, which you can walk to. Green spaces to people watch, play outdoor lawn games, walk through gardens and get a feel for the city. We are not called Titletown for nothing! We have the best sports teams and fans anywhere; The Boston Celtics, The Boston Bruins and The Red Sox at historical Fenway Park. They are all accessible by "the T", what we call our subway system-which is a 9 minute walk out our front door. And if you are a history buff or just want to learn about our first settlers who came from England seeking freedom-here's where it all began. Our skyline is beautiful including the old and the rapidly growing new architecture. Come visit!

Informação adicional

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Nossos princípios básicos

Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa

Equipamento único

Estacionamento privado
Jardim privado

Comodidades ecológicas

Acesso ao transporte público
Triagem seletiva de lixo
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Esta casa tem animais de estimação que podem provocar alergias!


regras da casa

Crianças bem-vindas
Plantas a regar


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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem jardim. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Este alojamento tem 3 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 222m2.
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