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Casa com jardim em Mt Pleasant, Estados Unidos - na casa de Clayton and Emily

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Residência principal
Dormem 7
4 Quartos
3 WC's
21 ft²
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Clayton and Emily Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

A traditional Charleston home with space to enjoy the spring and fall months on the screened porch or a wood-burning fire during the few cold winter weather months. Two stories, our home allows those who want to retire for the evening to go upstairs, while others continue to gather for more fun downstairs. Wood floors with an open modern kitchen will probably be a favorite gathering place in addition to our cozy den.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

A traditional Charleston home with space to enjoy the spring and fall months on the screened porch or a wood-burning fire during the few cold winter weather months. Two stories, our home allows those who want to retire for the evening to go upstairs, while others continue to gather for more fun downstairs. Wood floors with an open modern kitchen will probably be a favorite gathering place in addition to our cozy den.

Located in the historic "Old Village" of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, our home is steps away from Shem Creek which is always alive with restaurants, boaters, and the famous Shrimping Boats of the Lowcountry. The Old Village is also where you will find a traditional 1950s Drug Store, serving our favorite Drug Store food, i.e., Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Grilled Cheese, and of course a real ice cream milkshake. A must-stop is brunch or an evening at the Post House where you can enjoy a pint of beer and your favorite dish, whether it is inside or outside. Other favorites are the Wine Shop OV and Gala Cafe and Bakery.

For those who want to maintain their fitness activities during their stay at our home, there are multiple options to run, bike, and there is a boutique gym with trainers, less than 100 yards away. For more information about the options for the gym please contact:

Jen Short
Old Village Gym
Daily Pass: $ 25.00
Monthly Pass: 100
Access: Remote for off-hours access.

To get a little more familiar with our neighborhood, watch the movie The Notebook which was filmed in the village, and Outer Banks which is filmed in the village each year for the upcoming season.

Informação adicional

A $ 150 Cleaning Fee Will Be Required.

NOTE: IF our area is under THREAT of a Tropical Storm or higher, we reserve the right to cancel. We will certainly consult together and do our best to accommodate the original booking, or if possible allow for new dates.

Número da Oferta

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Nossos princípios básicos

Máquina de lavar louça
Máquina de lavar roupa
Máquina de secar roupa
TV inteligente
TV a cabo

Equipamento único

Ar condicionado
Estacionamento privado
Jardim privado
Varanda / quintal

Indicada para teletrabalho

Conexão de alta velocidade
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regras da casa

Crianças bem-vindas
Animais de estimação bem-vindos
Plantas a regar
Gato para cuidar


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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem jardim. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Este alojamento tem 4 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 1m2.
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