Casa com piscina em Yorktown, Estados Unidos - na casa de Kelly

Residência principal
Dormem 12
5 Quartos
4 WC's
3000 ft²
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Kelly Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês.

o que você amará nesta casa

Welcome home! Theres really no reason to go anywhere when you you vacation at our home -as long as you have food ☺️. Our home has 3 large rooms to gather for meals, games or movie night, and plenty of spaces for privacy as well. Our huge 20x22 foot screen porch is a favorite outdoor space. Outdoor fans and propane heater make it enjoyable almost year round. The back garden is really quite large with mature trees, grassy areas, a playground and playhouse, and plenty of wildlife to observe. We often have deer, hawk, rabbit, tortoise, and many other wild animals visit the garden along with all kinds of local songbirds.

Of course, if you want to explore the area and see the sights, we are in an excellent location just 10min from historic Yorktown, 15min from world renowned Busch Gardens theme park, 20 min from Colonial Williamsburg, 30min from several river and bay beaches, and 60min from Virginia Beach Ocean Front. Numerous museums, zoos, aquariums, and parks within same distances.

Our private .85 acre property with towering trees really feels like a park. We are in a year's long process of re-wilding the back portion of the garden to make habitat for native animals. That area will look a bit "undone" as it is quite unfinished. In warmer months, take a swim in our full size pool with 8-ft deep end bordered by a large sundeck, changing area and outdoor shower. For kids there is a large playroom in the main house, a game room over the detached garage, plus a playground, kids fort, and tons of room for outdoor play. For adults we have a small library, fast internet, and many wonderful spots to relax both inside and out.

We look forward to welcoming you to our home. It's certainly not fancy, but has everything you could want or need.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

Edgehill is a typical older suburb in this region. Mature trees, winding streets, and a neighborly vibe make this a great place to live. You'll see kids riding their bikes, people out walking their dogs, and often see a car pulled over to talk with a neighbor on the way home. At the end of our street there is a trailhead where you can walk for miles/kilometers in the forest. We also have a huge community pool you can get day passes too, with a wooded playground area. Drive 10min down the street the other direction and you will be in historic Yorktown where a riverfront beach, shops, and historic tours await.

Informação adicional

We do have a $150 cleaning fee for stays longer than 2 nights.

You will find our home pretty much as we live in it. Anything you need will be right where you would expect it to be and so is easy to find. Since young children make a mess of things, you will find we don't have expensive furniture or dishes... our home is meant to be lived in and our things meant to be used. Please make yourself at home whilst you are here!

For children, please know that our twins are 7 and so most of the children's games and books are geared toward that age. Your children are welcome to enjoy the toys and books that have been left out in the playroom. The one playroom rule is that each thing must be put away before the child moves on to a different activity. That way things go back in the correct spot and pieces from one game don't get mixed with others (or lost). We ask that you please help your children observe this rule so they do not leave a mess for our children to return to.

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Sim, este alojamento tem jardim. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem uma piscina. Encontrará mais informações sobre a piscina e outras instalações nesta página.
Sim, este alojamento tem conexão wifi. Recomendamos que aborde este tópico com o anfitrião, para garantir que a velocidade de conexão é suficiente para as suas necessidades.
Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Este alojamento tem 5 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 278m2.
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