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Casa em Queens, Canadá - na casa de Barbara & Michael

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O destino preferido de Barbara & Michael é City of Paris. Veja mais
Residência secundária
Dormem 2
1 Quarto
1 Banheiro
66 m²
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Barbara & Michael Descreveu a sua casa em Inglês, Alemão.

o que você amará nesta casa

Our cottage in the wilderness is our safe haven. Located on 5 acres woodland with a long waterfront access including a natural small sandy beach, it offers you plenty opportunity to spend your days watching chip monks, waterfoul, sometimes deer or beavers crossing to the island, or you can swim in the lake, take the kayaks out to the lilly patches or across tranquil Ponhook.
The cottage is simple, but you will find everything you need, and the kitchen is well equipped, including airfryer and Nespresso coffee maker. High quality sheets and towels, wood burning fireplace, gas barbecue, two kayaks, and a kanu.
A magical place, for those who look for tranquility and solitude, who want to relax, unwind and enjoy nature.
Dramatic sunsets, no television, no wifi, weak cell phone reception
Recommended for not more than two people sharing the masterbed, if there are more you need to bring your own bedding for the single bed and the pull out sofa
there are two bedrooms, but the walls are not ceiling high, so there is absolutely no privacy within the cottage, except for the bathroom.

O que vai adorar na vizinhança

The cottage is located at Ponhook lake, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Closest shops are in Caledonia (20 min drive on mostly gravel road), or Bridgewater (45 min drive, part on gravel road ), which offers a range of shops and dining (and a laundromat, as there is no wasching mashine or dryer at the cottage).
Once in a while you might see someone pass by on a kayak, or a motor boat, otherwise it is pure tranquility - in the woods and on the lake.
Within one hour drive south you can reach the beautiful south shore beaches, going north you get to the lovely Annapolis valley, and it is only 25 minutes to Kejimkujik national park.
No 4weel necessary, but long private driveway, and first time visitors wonder whether they have taken a wrong turn :-)
some cottages in the neighborhood, but rarely occupied

Informação adicional

The cottage is a simple structure from the early 70s, and we are slowly remodelling what needs to be remodelled, but mainly enjoy the easy and unasuming lifestyle.
In case of hurricane or power cut, elextricity and water are out, as the water comes from a pumped well.
Not really suitable for small children, best for a couple or two friends seeking tranquility and solitude
Nearest airport is Halifax, a 2 hours drive away.
No car exchange
No cleaning service

google maps does not display the lake correctly, sorry - the cottage is at the lake, not in the woods :-)

Número da Oferta

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Nossos princípios básicos


Equipamento único

Estacionamento privado
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Perguntas frequentes

Sim, este alojamento tem um ou mais lugares de estacionamento.
Este alojamento tem 1 quartos.
A área de superfície deste alojamento é de 66m2.
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