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Huis met tuin in Marburg, Duitsland - bij Eckhard

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Eckhard heeft als voorkeurbestemming Bolzano. Zie meer
2 slaapplaatsen
1 Slaapkamer
1 Badkamer
35 m²
Slaapplekken zien

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Eckhard beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

My home is a solid tiny-house on a valley slope looking over the historical town and castle of Marburg. Hot shower, fully equipped Kitchen & cosy living room, bedroom with breathtaking view over Marburg, Wood heating. Simple life up here, no super-luxury but has everything.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

You'll live in a single tiny house by the woods facing the old town centre of Marburg and the University Lahnberge.
The view over historical Marburg is magnificent.
Everything available on foot, but 100% privacy.

Aanvullende informatie

Situated midway between the cities of Frankfurt and Kassel, with a history stretching back over 800 years, Marburg is today a lively student city with a quaint medieval core.

The university is the oldest protestant university in the world, founded in 1527. It boasts in its alumni Emil von Behring, the first ever winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who collected many of their fairytales from around the region, also studied here, making the city a popular stop on the German Fairy Tale Road. A fairy tale trail through the city will lead you through its cobbled streets to all sorts of historical sights and quirky works of art.

The pedestrianised upper town, reachable by foot or using the free-to-use, glass-fronted lifts, is a charming network of winding streets and steep staircases lined with picturesque half-timbered buildings. The marketplace, home to a gorgeous 14th century town hall (Rathaus), is the city's heart and a popular hangout for students.

The magnificent castle (Marburger Schloss or Landgrafenschloss) was built as a fort in the 11th century but today houses the university's Museum for Cultural History (Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte). On the other side of the historic botanical gardens (Botanischer Garten) stands St Elisabeth's Church (Elisabethkirche), one of Germany's oldest Gothic churches, complete with spectacular stained-glass windows.

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#2789185Gekopieerde URL!


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Deze woning heeft 1 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 35m2.
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