Goed gedaan, uw telefoon is nu geverifieerd!

Appartement in Hodonín, Tsjechië - bij Marketa

  • Geverifieërd telefoonnummer
  • Geverifieërd e-mailadres
5 slaapplaatsen
2 Slaapkamers
1 Badkamer
60 m²
Slaapplekken zien

Word nu lid

Word lid van de gemeenschap voor € 160 en ga een jaar lang zo vaak op huizenruil als je wil.

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Marketa beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

My home is perfect for family or friends with children. Everywhere you have equipments for small ones and there is also no danger for them.
Also in the living room they have wooden playground and in the child's room a lot of fun :) So you can take a few minutes for coffee.

Even if you have bigger children or you are adults you can find here many board games, guitar, ...

In the child's room are located 1 bed and one mattress. In living room is double bed, which you can also used as a couch.

I can prepare one more mattress , if you need it. So the capacity of house is 5 "beds".

House has elevator.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

This simply flat is in the second floor of the house. But under this flat is just the staircase.

In front of the house and around we have a lot of playgrounds, parks, playrooms, shops, markets, city center, cafes, bus station, river port of the famous Bata canal.
You can take a ride by boat on the Bata Canal, which is a historical waterway located in the eastern part of the Southern Moravia region.

You are here in the wine region, so lot of wine cellar, festivals, in-line paths, Zoo, spa, swimming pool, aqua park, ...

Aanvullende informatie

Woning ID

#2788873Gekopieerde URL!


Het platteland
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Onze basis



Kinderen speelgoed
Speeltuin voor kinderen
Baby spullen
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Veelgestelde vragen

Deze woning heeft 2 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 60m2.
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