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Huis met zwembad in Daytona Beach, Verenigde Staten - bij Ormond

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Ormond heeft als voorkeurbestemming Spain. Zie meer
8 slaapplaatsen
3 Slaapkamers
3 Badkamers
2100 ft²
Slaapplekken zien

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Word lid van de gemeenschap voor € 160 en ga een jaar lang zo vaak op huizenruil als je wil.

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Ormond beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

Our single family home is in a friendly neighborhood of pastel painted homes. The Island vibes are everywhere. Our back lanai over looks a pond with Florida birds flying and floating and a tall sand hill crane family visiting us daily.
Inside the lanai we have two comfortable couches and two swivel chairs surrounding a table with a fire pit in the middle . We have two area with tables and chairs too to enjoy eating outside and a “O’Kinney’s pub” bar with six barstools to enjoy happy hour!
Our living room is nautical and beach hemed with a soft couch, two comfortable down chairs and a two seater around a big square coffee table for a great conversation or reading area. We have a breakfast eating area for 6 as well as an 8 blue parson chaired dining area with a glass
table. Our kitchen has a gas stove, a dishwasher, a double door stainless steel refrigerator with a slide out bottom freezer drawer and plenty of cabinets. There is a place on the island in the kitchen to pull up a bar stool and enjoy a. CUp of tea or coffee or something stronger if you so desire. We have a big master bedroom with a queen bed and its own bathroom with a big shower . Our guest room has its own bathroom with la combined tub snd shower and a queen bed too. Our den is where we spend lots of time watching football snd streaming Netflix’s shows and watching live tv. We have a bar there too. , a white leather couch with two electric recliners built in, two comfortable blue reclining reading chairs and a hidden queen pull out bed under the tv.
There is a half bath nearby, as well as a laundry room. The inside wall colors are various shades of blue to continue our beach theme. It’s a lovely home with a double garage with our Honda Crv and a golf cart to use inside our community going to the pools or the bar and chill for a meal or drink
Or the Finn’s Up gym to exercise on excellent equipment and classes offered daily in yoga, There are tennis, pickleball , bocci courts and pickle bar too. And classes for stretching, belly busting etc We also have an inside lap pool to Swim or take a jacuzzi. In the men’s and women’s locker rooms are showers snd a sauna. It’s all here, in Margaritsville waiting for you to enjoy what we all love here, our fellow”hoodies”. We call our community Jimmy Buffetts Neighborhood “. But shorten neighborhood folks living here to “Hoodies” . It’s very very very easy to meet your neighbors living all over our Margaritaville. We all love living here. You will too.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

Extremely friendly, gated community for 55 and older residents. Lots of amenities, such as large resort pool, indoor lap pool, oceanside clubhouse, with a pool, and beach access on the Atlantic, a bar and restaurant, meeting rooms for many club activities, lighted tennis and pickleball courts, live music in the nearby Village Center on weekends, and even bocci ball play areas.

Aanvullende informatie

We are looking for someone who has time to stay in Margaritaville for April and May enjoying our laid back living . We want to live for two months in Spain. You would not only love our home but you will have the best , most fun ever, living here in our home here in Margaritsville in Daytona Beach, Florida for two months: April snd May, 2025. . We want to live in Spain and HOPEFULLY. Learn your language, Spanish. We will leave our car and golf cart for you and if you have a car, we would appreciate you leaving it for us. We will empty one of our two big walk in closets with shelves and trawlers for your things.
Any groceries , condiments, frozen foods etc are yours to use as you wish. Our home will become your home , We want you to enjoy it. We would like y’all to come two or three days early so we can pick you up in Orlando and introduce you to our friends so that you will be able to start living the Jimmy Buffett Lifestyle right away.
Obie Kinney and Patty Kinney-Wilson
Obiek@aol.com. thevillagespatty@aol.com

Woning ID

#2656013Gekopieerde URL!


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Satelliet / kabel
Video game console

Einzigartige Ausstattungen

Privé parkeerplaats
Balkon / terras
Ping-pong tafel
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Ja deze accommodatie heeft een tuin. Je vindt meer info over de tuin en andere faciliteiten op deze pagina.
Ja, dit appartement heeft een zwembad. Je vindt meer info over het zwembad en andere faciliteiten op deze pagina.
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Ja, deze woning heeft een of meerdere parkeerplaatsen.
Deze woning heeft 3 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 195m2.
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