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Huis in Opononi, Nieuw-Zeeland - bij Blair and Josh

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Blair and Josh heeft als voorkeurbestemming Rarotonga. Zie meer
2 slaapplaatsen
1 Slaapkamer
1 Badkamer
35 m²
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2 personen in zijn/haar netwerk.

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Word lid van de gemeenschap voor € 160 en ga een jaar lang zo vaak op huizenruil als je wil.

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Blair and Josh beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

Extremely warm and sunny unit with quality furnishings. Beautiful sunrise & sunset views and minutes walk from the beach. Private entrance and your own row of gorgeous fruit trees to enjoy! Plenty of off street parking.

There is a 2 bedroom house also available at the top of the property (listed separately) which has lovely new beds, microwave, fridge/freezer, TV/FreeView, Nespresso Machine, fully equipped kitchen, lounge/dining, bathroom, private entrance. Book both for extended family or friend get-togethers.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

Fishing is very popular in the Hokianga, whether from the shore line/boat/wharves. Pete at Hokianga Express offers fishing charters so contact this local to ensure you catch your dinner. Just search for "Hokianga Express" online for contact details.

A major activity here is the sand board riding on the golden dunes. Pete at Hokianga Express operates every day across the harbour with the first trip at 10am and every 30mins there after until everyone is safely back in Opononi. This operates from the Opononi wharf and bookings can be done through the i-SITE.

There is a great swimming hole/pools at South Head - park at the end of Signal Point Rd and walk through the track to the left down to the beach. Turn right about 50-75m and you’ll find a slightly elevated large flat rock. Climb up it and there is a lovely fresh salt water pool about a meter deep. This is only accessible at about 4hrs either side of high tide.

Bathe in the healing waters at Ngawha Springs and let the ancient energy revitalise your senses while the minerals from deep in the earth permeate your body. Roughly 45 mins from Opononi.

There are many local attractions in the Hokianga - too many to mention here but there is plenty of information available at the i-SITE in Opononi. There are some leaflets in your accommodation to get you started.

For Hokianga History visit the local museum in Waianga Place…full of information on the first Maori arrivals, ship wrecks, the first settlers, etc.

Aanvullende informatie

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Deze woning heeft 1 slaapkamers.
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