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Huis met zwembad in Chattanooga, Verenigde Staten - bij Burt

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Burt’s bestemmingen zijn Paris, Gulf Coast. Zie meer
16 slaapplaatsen
5 Slaapkamers
4 Badkamers
0 ft²
Slaapplekken zien

Word nu lid

Word lid van de gemeenschap voor € 160 en ga een jaar lang zo vaak op huizenruil als je wil.

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Burt beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

Located 11 miles from Chattanooga City. Includes a large swimming pool, hot tub, wood fire pit, two gas fireplaces, propane fire pit with outside swinging bed near the pool, 3-75" TVs for sports & movies, a workout gym & office with TVs and a large side yard....

Closest Airports from near to far..
Chattanooga, Tennessee- (CHA)

Atlanta Georgia or Knoxville Tennessee (ATL/TYS)

Nashville Tennessee - (BNA)

*Cameras in Common & Public Areas to avoid loud, obnoxious parties.
*No Pets, No Smoking, No Added Guests

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

Chattanooga, Tennessee, is one of the best towns for outdoorsy folks, according to Outside magazine. In fact, it’s won Outside’s “Best Towns” contest twice. Mountains, forests, parks, and so much more helped the town earn this distinction.

We live 3mi/4.8km from the closest mall and shopping center. My neighborhood has sidewalks in a peaceful neighborhood. The median price of the homes in the neighborhood is about $600,000.


Aanvullende informatie

Please note. I can only offer my home as an exchange or when i can stay in the bottom Cabana bedroom for guest points.

*2 very friendly dogs on premise.

Our home is perfect for small groups or families. We love how close it is to everything in the Southeast part of the United States, including hiking trails and water activities.

Chattanooga has a lot to offer with daily excursions to Nashville Tennessee, Atlanta Georgia, or to the Great Smokey Mountains and Appalachian Trails.

The perfect Southern outdoor town to live in and experience. From Civil War Battlefields to the Choo-choo.. From Rock City and Ruby Falls... Great downtown restaurants and activities to walking sceneries along the Tennessee River.

Chattanooga is an 18-minute drive from the house and about a 2 hour drive to major US cities/international airports, Nashville and Atlanta, and a beautiful scenic 3 hour drive to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

These airports are from closest to farthest... Chattanooga, Atlanta/Knoxville, Nashville.

Tourist Attractions.
1. Tennessee Aquarium
- #1 in the country for guest satisfaction. 20-minute drive 18 miles Downtown Chattanooga.
- home to more than 12,000 animals representing almost 800 species.

2. IMAX Theater
- largest laser theater in the Southeast U.S.
- 20-minute drive, 18 miles Downtown Chattanooga.

3. Many Hikes & Waterfalls to visit.
- Foster falls, Laurel Falls, Fall Creek Falls, snowfalls
- All within an hour or two drive for outdoor hikes and view of nature
- Visit Enterprise Nature Park for a variety of hiking trails through local woods 4 miles away, created by Volkswagon Worldwide

4. Visit Southeasttennessee.com for a good review of the Chattanooga area.
- Outdoor recreation
- Water activities such as rafting rapid water
- Cycling beautiful mountains and locations
- Visit Gardens and Farms
- Rock Climbing

5. Downtown Area
- Many other exciting things to do in downtown Chattanooga, with bars, music, waterfront activities, walking all around the scenic valley, and a wide variety of places to eat.
- Just a short drive to world famous rock climbing and hang gliding, as well as popular tourist sites like Rock City, the Incline Railway, Ruby Falls, Chattanooga Choo Choo and so much more.

6. American Civil War - Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park
- More than 15,000 men died on each side of this major Civil War battle, making it the second bloodiest of all the American battlefields.

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Beveiligd zwembad

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Machines met laag verbruik
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Ja, dit appartement heeft een zwembad. Je vindt meer info over het zwembad en andere faciliteiten op deze pagina.
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Deze woning heeft 5 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 0m2.
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