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Huis met tuin in Traunkirchen, Oostenrijk - bij Moritz

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3 slaapplaatsen
1 Slaapkamer
1 Badkamer
30 m²
Slaapplekken zien

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Moritz beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels, Duits.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

My Home is a self built wooden jurt, so a wooden one room rount house in a beautiful landscape near the lake Traunsee. In the moment me and my wife life there with our one and a halfe year old child. The place was built with a lot of helping hands and so we are glad to share it with other people if we aren´t at home.
There is electricity and depends on the outside tempreture also water for cleaning the dishes. Drinking water has to be collected from the spring a 5 minute walk away. The heart of the jurt is a oven, wich gives us the heat and allows us to cook. But there also is a small electric heating station too.
The toilet ist a compost toilet in a self built hut.
The surrounding is calm and invites to do some sportive things. There is the lake Traunsee, and several hiking spots, or you can also relax in the hammok in the garten directly in front of the jurt.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

It is calm and the people around are really friendly. It is a 10 Minute walk to the Lake Traunsee and you have a beautiful view. There are several hiking routes around and there is a sheepfarm nearby, where the best sheepcheese is made.

You can reach the House with the train and a 20 Minute walk. The train runs every hour and can bring you to Bad Ischl, Hallstatt, Gmunden or Linz (ca. 1 hour).

Aanvullende informatie

Der Bau ist nicht "offiziell" und wir haben daher keine Adresse. Die Adresse welche ich angegeben habe gehört zu dem Schafmilchabauernhof, da meine Eltern dort wohnen und ich dort gemeldet bin.

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#2213116Gekopieerde URL!


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Ja deze accommodatie heeft een tuin. Je vindt meer info over de tuin en andere faciliteiten op deze pagina.
Ja, deze woning heeft een of meerdere parkeerplaatsen.
Deze woning heeft 1 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 30m2.
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