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Huis met tuin in Claremont, Verenigde Staten - bij Lorraine

  • Geverifieërde identiteit en adres
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8 slaapplaatsen
3 Slaapkamers
2 Badkamers
11 ft²
Slaapplekken zien

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Word lid van de gemeenschap voor € 160 en ga een jaar lang zo vaak op huizenruil als je wil.

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Lorraine beschrijft zijn/haar huis in Engels.

Wat je fantastisch zult vinden in dit huis

The thing that drew us to our house is the large living area with a connected living room, dining room, family room, and kitchen.

On one side of the house is our newly-built en suite master bedroom with a walk-in closet. The bedroom receives an abundance of sunlight through the large slider doors and has a retreat-like feel. The bedroom has its own secluded patio.

On the other side of the house are two bedrooms and a bathroom. One of the bedrooms was formerly our primary bedroom and is relatively large.

Our dining room table has a built-in leaf and can expand to seat 7 people. Additionally there is a built-in table in the kitchen that seats two.

We remodeled our backyard, and it is now one of our favorite places in our home. It features a large round patio that we enjoy using to entertain.

De leukste plekjes bij ons in de buurt

Claremont, referred to as the City of Trees and PhDs, has the feel of a small town and is a highly desirable place to live. It has a quaint, walkable downtown with unique shops and restaurants. It is a bicycle-friendly town.

Adjacent to downtown are the prestigious Claremont Colleges. Modeled after New England colleges, they are beautiful to walk around and offer many talks and cultural events.

Walking and hiking options abound, including the Thompson Creek Trail, the California Botanic Garden, and the Claremont Wilderness Park. Mount Baldy is in Claremont's backyard, a 22-minute drive from our house.

There are many grocery store options in Claremont, including Trader Joe's, a 4-minute drive from our house, and Sprouts and Stater Bros., both a 2-minute drive. On Sundays there is a farmers market in downtown Claremont.

During the summers there are concerts in the park on Monday nights and live music throughout downtown on Friday nights.

Here is a recent short article in the LA Times about Claremont: https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/story/2019-10-04/four-hours-claremont-is-vintage-delicious-and-delightfully-smart?fbclid=IwAR1MjjVq_mdzBLYVPiqbUxwOxxxNqGmi1vSul1oSg1d1Pbsg986A-tAhEXs.

Aanvullende informatie

We are open to hospitality exchanges in which we host one to two people in our guest room while we are home for reduced guest points.

We have a minivan and a Prius, should you like to exchange cars. You are also welcome to use our bicycles (4 adult). The Metrolink station is a 5-minute drive from our house, and the train takes you to downtown LA.

Popular destinations from our house:
- Huntington Library (25 minutes)
- Disneyland (30 minutes)
- Downtown LA (35 minutes)
- Hollywood (35 minutes)
- Universal Studios (40 minutes)
- Beaches (45 minutes)
- The Getty (45 minutes)
- Palm Springs (1 hour 10 minutes)
- Big Bear (1 hour 30 minutes)
- Joshua Tree (1 hour 30 minutes)
- San Diego (1 hour 40 minutes)

Woning ID

#1490541Gekopieerde URL!


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Video game console

Einzigartige Ausstattungen

Privé parkeerplaats
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Vriendelijk op afstand

Snelle verbinding

Eco-verantwoordelijke voorzieningen

Machines met laag verbruik
Toegang tot het openbaar vervoer
Selectieve afvalsortering
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In dit huis wonen er huisdieren die allergische reacties kunnen veroorzaken!



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Ja deze accommodatie heeft een tuin. Je vindt meer info over de tuin en andere faciliteiten op deze pagina.
Ja, deze accommodatie heeft wifi. We raden je echter aan dit vooraf met de gastheer/-vrouw te bespreken, om er zeker van te zijn dat de verbindingssnelheid voldoende is voor je behoeften.
Ja, deze woning heeft een of meerdere parkeerplaatsen.
Deze woning heeft 3 slaapkamers.
De oppervlakte van deze woning is 1m2.
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