Hus i Townsend, Usa - hos Penny
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Har plass til 10
4 Soverom
3 Baderom
3700 ft²
4 store dobbeltsenger
1 ekstra enkeltseng
1 ekstra babyseng
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Bli en del av HomeExchange-samfunnet for kr 1 700 og gjennomfør så mange boligbytter du ønsker i løpet av ett år.
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Penny har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
Our home sits on 15 acres on top of a mountain in a gated golf course community with a 180 view of the most visited national park in the United States…’The Smokies’. Townsend, is known as the peaceful side of the Smokies, but just a short drive away you can experience all the touristy activities.
Our home has two floors. The upstairs has two bedrooms and two full bathrooms. The lower level has two bedrooms and one full bathroom. The lower level can be accessed from inside the house or down the lower driveway with just a few steps. You can choose to stay home enjoy the view from a double-decker 10 x 40 porch, or sit in the sauna, play in the game room, prepare a wonderful meal in the gourmet kitchen, or head out to all the Smoky Mountains has to offer. Hiking, biking (amazing mountain biking, and road biking), motorcycling (people come from all over the world to ride the ‘tail of the dragon’), visiting waterfalls, caves, flyfishing, or tubing in the river. Venture out just a 30 minute drive to the Disneyland of the Smokies… Dollywood! Of course near Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, just a short 30 minute drive away, you can also enjoy tourist activities like aquariums, mountain coasters, and amazing restaurants
Our home has two floors. The upstairs has two bedrooms and two full bathrooms. The lower level has two bedrooms and one full bathroom. The lower level can be accessed from inside the house or down the lower driveway with just a few steps. You can choose to stay home enjoy the view from a double-decker 10 x 40 porch, or sit in the sauna, play in the game room, prepare a wonderful meal in the gourmet kitchen, or head out to all the Smoky Mountains has to offer. Hiking, biking (amazing mountain biking, and road biking), motorcycling (people come from all over the world to ride the ‘tail of the dragon’), visiting waterfalls, caves, flyfishing, or tubing in the river. Venture out just a 30 minute drive to the Disneyland of the Smokies… Dollywood! Of course near Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, just a short 30 minute drive away, you can also enjoy tourist activities like aquariums, mountain coasters, and amazing restaurants
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
Most homes in the gated golf course community with this epic view are tucked way back in the community on top of a very steep road. Our home is just up the back gate and sits at the end of a very private cul-de-sac so it has quick access but an amazing 180 view of the smoky Mountain national Park. Within three minutes you’ll be down on the main road and out exploring the Smokies, or enjoying a round of golf.
I was a member of home exchange in the early 2000s. We used it to travel with our children. Now we are empty-nesters and have more free time to travel so we’ve decided to share our home with others. We used to have a 5 star vacation home on Airbnb so we know how to host and to make you feel at home, but also pampered.
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Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 4 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 343m2.
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