Hus med hage i Montpelier, Usa - hos Jessica
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Har plass til 3
2 Soverom
1 Baderom
1000 ft²
1 enkeltseng
1 stor dobbeltseng
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Bli en del av HomeExchange-samfunnet for kr 1 700 og gjennomfør så mange boligbytter du ønsker i løpet av ett år.
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Jessica har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
My daughter and I live in a sunny, comfortable home with a beautiful view over town and to the mountains. I keep things neat and organized with cool artwork and lots of plants. The kitchen is not huge but is well-equipped and easy to cook in, and the dining area can seat six-eight. I have a spacious living room/office downstairs that is great for hanging out with friends, and also nice for working. I have the TV in a separate and cozy small room upstairs. My bedroom is small and simply furnished with one very comfy queen bed. My daughter's room is full of art supplies and lots of kid stuff. There is a large porch (with view), a small yard and garden, washing machine/dryer in basement, a bathtub, trash/recycling/compost service.
My home is on one side of a larger duplex house. My partner owns the whole property and lives on the other side of the house. Depending on when you are here, one or both of us may be staying next door on his side and available for any issues.
My home is on one side of a larger duplex house. My partner owns the whole property and lives on the other side of the house. Depending on when you are here, one or both of us may be staying next door on his side and available for any issues.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
My home is in a residential neighborhood with lots of families and kids. The whole area--and all of Montpelier--is pedestrian and bike friendly. At the end of my street is a huge public green with lots of trees and lovely places to relax. There are also areas for playing basketball/pickleball/soccer. It's a ten minute walk downtown; there is a great pizza restaurant just a few minutes walk away. The food coop is also within walking distance, as is access to the bike path.
I have houseplants you will have to water, and possibly some outdoor flower box plants as well.
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Vårt grunnleggende
Unike fasiliteter
Privat hage
Balkong/ terrasse
Egnet for hjemmekontor
Dedikert arbeidsplass
Høyhastighets tilkobling
Bærekraftige fasiliteter
Tilgang til offentlig transport
Ofte stilte spørsmål
Har denne boligen en hage?
Ja, denne boligen har en hage. Du kan se flere detaljer om hagen og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
Passer denne boligen for personer som jobber hjemmefra?
Ja, denne boligen har wifi tilgjengelig. Vi anbefaler at du snakker med verten om dette for å forsikre deg om at nettverkshastigheten er tilstrekkelig for dine behov.
Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 2 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 92m2.
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