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Leilighet i Yancey County, Usa - hos Sean

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2 Soverom
2 Baderom
721 ft²
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Sean har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

Mount Mitchell Eco Retreat is a retreat center, hotel, and a nature-lover's paradise, just a short drive from the Blue Ridge Parkway! Stays here share in all our many amenities, including the Main Lodge, the fire pits, the community kitchen, the hammocks, etc. We have fantastic views of the Black Mountains, and are bordered on two sides by Pisgah National Forest. This is a launching point for world-class hikes, a place to be healed by the earth, and a place that joyously brings friends and family together.

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

We are in a blissfully remote location that makes relaxing and communing with nature standard fare. We offer easy access to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Mount Mitchell State Park, as well as Burnsville, Spruce Pine, and other nearby towns.


Our hotel has 17 rooms in 4 different lodges (Mitchell Lodge, Pisgah Lodge, Winter Star Lodge, and Clear Creek Lodge), plus a big Main Lodge that's a shared space for all our guests to use. Each of the hotel rooms is private, has a private bathroom, and a fridge, microwave, and coffeemaker.

Main Lodge:
Inside the Main Lodge is a fireplace lounge, a yoga studio, seating for large groups, and our Community Kitchen. The Community Kitchen is a place for guests to cook for themselves, and features 2 fridges, 2 stoves, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, a microwave, blender, ice maker, and lots of other kitchen amenities.

Healing House:
We also have a building called the Healing House, which allows guests to book massages and other treatments. Learn more at https://www.mmecoretreat.com/healing-house

Mitchell Lodge:
#1 - King Room + Full Bath
#2 - King Room + Full Bath
#3 - King Room + Full Bath
#4 - King Room + Full Bath

Pisgah Lodge:
#5 - Queen Suite + Full Bath
#6 - Queen Suite + Full Bath
#7 - Queen Suite + Full Bath
#8 - Queen + Bunk Suite (2 Twins) + Full Bath

Winter Star Lodge:
#9 - King Loft + Queen Suite + 2 Full Baths
#10 - King Loft + Queen Suite + 2 Full Baths

Clear Creek Lodge:
Main Lodge Side:
#11 - King Room (ADA) + Full Bath
#12 - Queen + Bunk Room (2 Twins) + Full Bath
#13 - King Room (Mobility-Friendly) + Full Bath
#14 - King Room (Mobility-Friendly) + Full Bath

Clear Creek Lodge:
#15 - King Room + Full Bath
#16 - King Room + Full Bath
#17+18 - 2-Room Suite: King Room + Bunks Room (4 Twins) + 2 Full Baths


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Egnet for hjemmekontor

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