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Leilighet med hage i Ankara, Tyrkia - hos Manuela

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Har plass til 10
4 Soverom
2 Baderom
180 m²
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Manuela har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

We have recently been transferred to Ankara. Our home has a great view over the city, is centrally located and well connected. Two of our bedrooms wake you up with beautiful view of sunrise and sitting in the living room you can see splendid sunsets. On our balcony you have the option of shutting all windows or opening them all to enjoy the breeze. We are on the sixth floor of a 12 storey building. Our building has a yard and small soccer field and a basketball hoop and some benches to sit on and enjoy the greenery.

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

We live in Ankara‘s Çankaya GOP district which is home to many embassies. Kizilay, Ankara‘s main shopping area and the nearest metro line and airport bus is not far away and the restaurant, pub and shopping area Tunali is only 15 minutes walking. By crossing one road you reach Seğmenler Park in just 2 minutes, it takes 5 minutes to the next bank and 2 supermarkets and cafes and Kuğlu Park within about 7 minutes walking. Our flat has a nice view on Atakule tower, one of Ankara‘s main sites, just a few minutes by car or some 25 minutes walking to the tower with its rotating restaurant overlooking Ankara‘s botanical garden. Just a few minutes drive from the Taxi stand in front of our house you can visit Ankara’s Nişantaşı Market to purchase all kinds of clothes and food items, a very friendly place where locals shops. There are several fine dining restaurants just 2-5 minutes away by walking.


We normally host guests for a minimum of 3 nights since it makes sense to tour Ankara for 2 days. If you prefer to come for 1-2 nights only then we ask for higher Guestpoints.
Electricity is costly and we ask you to use it economically the way you would do in your own home which means to turn off all ACs when you leave the house.
We don’t have a cleaning person but have several neighbours that do. We can easily make arrangements for you to hire some cleaning help at the end of your stay that you can pay directly for their service.
If you prefer to tidy up yourself we are just fine with that as well but do ask that you change the bed linen then. (We have enough sets so no washing is required.)
We have also hosted guests in the past when we were at home ourselves that is if you just need one room with 2 single beds and a put-up sofa for 2 and if you don’t mind sharing our common space with us. This way we have made wonderful memories with people from all over Europe.
You are welcome to use any of our kitchen supplies but we ask that you leave some money for whatever you have used. If you come while we are at home it is common courtesy that you can eat with us and then contribute from your side as well.


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Privat hage
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Egnet for hjemmekontor

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Denne boligen har 4 soverom.
Denne boligen har et areal på 180m2.
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