Hus med svømmebasseng i Manta, Ecuador - hos Eric
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3 Soverom
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130 ft²
2 dobbeltsenger
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Eric har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
Our home is a modern 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom residence with beautiful tile flooring and state-of-the-art appliances. It also features a charming deck area with a refreshing small pool and stunning views.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
Our home is nestled within a picturesque gated community, just a brief stroll from the beach and various dining options serving delectable fresh seafood. The location also provides breathtaking views of the ocean. Santa Marianita Beach is renowned as one of South America's premier kitesurfing destinations. There are abundant opportunities for leisurely walks and invigorating hikes, with the added benefit of the nearby National Wildlife Refuge of Pacoche.
Ecuador uses the US dollar.
Copa Airlines offers direct flights from Panama City.
Ecuador has many good things to offer, including:
Warm and welcoming people Ecuador's people are known for their hospitality and kindness, and the term "pana," meaning friend, is commonly used.
Natural wonders
Ecuador has many natural wonders, including:
Galapagos Islands: This volcanic archipelago is home to thousands of plant and animal species that are unique to the islands. The islands are also known for inspiring the Theory of Evolution.
Cotopaxi National Park: This ecological reserve features the second highest peak in Ecuador, which emerges from relatively flat terrain.
Amazon Rainforest: This wilderness is known for its biological and cultural diversity, and is a popular destination for travelers and adventurers.
Otavalo Market
This popular Indian market is known for its handicrafts, clothing, alpaca goods, jewelry, and more.
Devil's Nose train ride
This iconic train ride takes passengers down the rocky slopes of the Andes through dramatic scenery.
This city was named the best overall city destination in 2019, and has a well-preserved colonial center, museums, and galleries.
Quilotoa Loop
This ring-shaped route offers a great overview of Ecuador's agricultural lifestyle and trekking.
Ecuador's name loosely translates to "the republic of the equator" because it straddles the equator on the South.
Ideas for things to do:
Copa Airlines offers direct flights from Panama City.
Ecuador has many good things to offer, including:
Warm and welcoming people Ecuador's people are known for their hospitality and kindness, and the term "pana," meaning friend, is commonly used.
Natural wonders
Ecuador has many natural wonders, including:
Galapagos Islands: This volcanic archipelago is home to thousands of plant and animal species that are unique to the islands. The islands are also known for inspiring the Theory of Evolution.
Cotopaxi National Park: This ecological reserve features the second highest peak in Ecuador, which emerges from relatively flat terrain.
Amazon Rainforest: This wilderness is known for its biological and cultural diversity, and is a popular destination for travelers and adventurers.
Otavalo Market
This popular Indian market is known for its handicrafts, clothing, alpaca goods, jewelry, and more.
Devil's Nose train ride
This iconic train ride takes passengers down the rocky slopes of the Andes through dramatic scenery.
This city was named the best overall city destination in 2019, and has a well-preserved colonial center, museums, and galleries.
Quilotoa Loop
This ring-shaped route offers a great overview of Ecuador's agricultural lifestyle and trekking.
Ecuador's name loosely translates to "the republic of the equator" because it straddles the equator on the South.
Ideas for things to do:
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Har denne boligen et svømmebasseng?
Ja, denne boligen har svømmebasseng. Du kan se flere detaljer om svømmebassenget og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
Passer denne boligen for personer som jobber hjemmefra?
Ja, denne boligen har wifi tilgjengelig. Vi anbefaler at du snakker med verten om dette for å forsikre deg om at nettverkshastigheten er tilstrekkelig for dine behov.
Har denne boligen en egen parkeringsplass?
Ja, denne boligen har en eller flere parkeringsplasser.
Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 3 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 12m2.
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