Hus med hage i Nesna, Norge - hos Yngve Johan
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Har plass til 16
5 Soverom
2 Baderom
150 m²
5 dobbeltsenger
1 stor dobbeltseng
1 ekstra babyseng
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Yngve Johan har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
Our cottage is a small new built house (150m2) by the sea, placed on an island in the Helgeland coast. This is a high standard cottage with everything you need for long vacations.
If you enjoy fishing, snorkling, hiking or spending time on the beach, this is the perfect place for you. With five bedrooms and a total of 15 sleeping places you can bring family and friends together.
When you are not out walking, swimming or doing other activities, there is a huge outdoor terrace with a jacuzzi, sun beds and the possibillity for long evenings barbecuing. There is also a cozy firebucket for late evenings in front of the beautiful ocean view.
There is a pretty big garden with a football goal and enough space to play around on the grass. If you enjoy the ocean you can take the boat out fishing, or use one of the many stand up paddle boards. From late September to March you have the possibillity of experiencing the Northern light (Aurora Borealis).
If you enjoy fishing, snorkling, hiking or spending time on the beach, this is the perfect place for you. With five bedrooms and a total of 15 sleeping places you can bring family and friends together.
When you are not out walking, swimming or doing other activities, there is a huge outdoor terrace with a jacuzzi, sun beds and the possibillity for long evenings barbecuing. There is also a cozy firebucket for late evenings in front of the beautiful ocean view.
There is a pretty big garden with a football goal and enough space to play around on the grass. If you enjoy the ocean you can take the boat out fishing, or use one of the many stand up paddle boards. From late September to March you have the possibillity of experiencing the Northern light (Aurora Borealis).
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
The cottage is placed on Tomma island. This is an island known for it's impressive nature and hiking possibillities. The mighty mountain Tomskjevelen which hangs 922m above sea level has a breathtaking view and we reccomend doing a hike up to the top. If you enjoy hunting for berries and mushrooms, or fishing in the mountains or at the sea, this is the perfect place for you. There is also multiple beaches to visit both from boat or by foot. The beach Bøla is especially beautiful. By car you can travel and visit other islands and enjoy the Helgeland coast. From Nesna harbour you can take Hurtigruta from Nesna to Bodø. This is a 7 hour cruise with an amazing view of the coastline.
We have four neighbour cottages around ours, and this is very nice and helpful people. The nearest neighbour in front of us is Ina's mother and father. There is a little daily store for buying groceries on the island, a ten minute drive from the house. Five minute from the house you have a litte street food kitchen, it’s by the harbour.
The surroundings of the cottage is the fjord Alsøyvågen and the mountain Breitomma that looms on the other side of the fjord. The view from our home is south and you can spot the mountain "Dønnamann" from the huge window in the livingroom. In mid July the sunset is around 22 in the evenings.
We have four neighbour cottages around ours, and this is very nice and helpful people. The nearest neighbour in front of us is Ina's mother and father. There is a little daily store for buying groceries on the island, a ten minute drive from the house. Five minute from the house you have a litte street food kitchen, it’s by the harbour.
The surroundings of the cottage is the fjord Alsøyvågen and the mountain Breitomma that looms on the other side of the fjord. The view from our home is south and you can spot the mountain "Dønnamann" from the huge window in the livingroom. In mid July the sunset is around 22 in the evenings.
Videos from Tomma island and the Helgeland coast:
Helgeland coast: - Hurtigruten
Helgeland coast: - Hurtigruten
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Har denne boligen en hage?
Ja, denne boligen har en hage. Du kan se flere detaljer om hagen og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
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Ja, denne boligen har wifi tilgjengelig. Vi anbefaler at du snakker med verten om dette for å forsikre deg om at nettverkshastigheten er tilstrekkelig for dine behov.
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Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 5 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 150m2.
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