Hus med hage i Olympia, Usa - hos Carol
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Carol har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
Forbes magazine named Washington the most naturally beautiful state in the USA!
Conveniently located between Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon (accessible via train or car). The closest major airport, Seattle, is 55 miles (88 km) away. The train stops less than two miles (3 km) away.
Mount Rainier and Olympic national parks with glacier-capped mountains, temperate rain forests and wilderness ocean beaches are just a 2 to 3 hour drive away. Local parks include forest trails, waterfalls and lakes, and Puget Sound (salt water) beaches. Olympia has views of Mount Rainier and the Olympic mountains.
My house is quiet, private, and comfortable. It is on one level (only two steps up), with high ceilings, large windows, and a small garden with space to sit outside in warm weather. The great room (living, dining, and kitchen areas) faces west, so sunsets are visible through the trees. If you are a musician, you will appreciate the lovely grand piano.
Conveniently located between Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon (accessible via train or car). The closest major airport, Seattle, is 55 miles (88 km) away. The train stops less than two miles (3 km) away.
Mount Rainier and Olympic national parks with glacier-capped mountains, temperate rain forests and wilderness ocean beaches are just a 2 to 3 hour drive away. Local parks include forest trails, waterfalls and lakes, and Puget Sound (salt water) beaches. Olympia has views of Mount Rainier and the Olympic mountains.
My house is quiet, private, and comfortable. It is on one level (only two steps up), with high ceilings, large windows, and a small garden with space to sit outside in warm weather. The great room (living, dining, and kitchen areas) faces west, so sunsets are visible through the trees. If you are a musician, you will appreciate the lovely grand piano.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
My home is just steps from a park, walking/biking trail, and bus stop. It is walking distance to two supermarkets, a brewpub and a Starbucks.
The capitol city of Olympia has restaurants and shops, art galleries, performing arts, and a waterfront boardwalk. The farmers market is on Saturdays. You can tour the capitol building and walk its beautiful grounds for free.
We are known for our outstanding fresh seafood, including oysters, Dunganess crab, and Pacific salmon.
The capitol city of Olympia has restaurants and shops, art galleries, performing arts, and a waterfront boardwalk. The farmers market is on Saturdays. You can tour the capitol building and walk its beautiful grounds for free.
We are known for our outstanding fresh seafood, including oysters, Dunganess crab, and Pacific salmon.
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Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 2 soverom.
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Denne boligen har et areal på 0m2.
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