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Hus med hage i Northampton, Usa - hos Risa

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Risa har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

Walk everywhere in downtown Northampton. Ten minute walk to town, restaurants, entertainment, Smith College, and three bike paths! Close to skiing, hiking, swimming, and lots of music and culture. An hour from Tanglewood and Jacobs Pillow.
Highlights by season:(we have everything, and lots of natural places to be any time of year.
Autumn—great leaf peeping, biking
Winter—skiing, beautiful walking
Spring—hiking, biking
Summer—swimming, biking!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nC7GYXixto ( a short video on Northampton!)

Some extras: there is a hammock, a guitar, hula hoops, and a bike or two!
In the summer, ceiling fans in every bedroom work great, but please note there is no air conditioning! Update! I now have mini-splits which will make the house very delightful if it's very hot out. I have two so it will reduce humidity but it is not a whole house air conditioning if you are looking for that. It usually is only a week or two in the summer where fans alone aren't enough.
There are two steps to enter one of the bedrooms.
This is a very lived in 130 year old house so its imperfections are its delights!
There are many possible workspaces, two living rooms, and great WiFi.

I have the best front covered porch as well as a side deck, a screened in porch and upstairs deck off one bedroom. Wood floors and lots of light, gardens and more.

Visitors to my house always say how warm and welcoming it is and I hope you would feel the same if you come! Northampton is one hour from Hartford, two hours from Boston and three hours from NYC. You can walk to the amtrak train station in 10-15 minutes.

Western Massachusetts is a very beautiful part of the state, hope you can visit sometime!

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

Beautiful and quiet residential neighborhood for walking, biking and a ten minute walk to Smith College’s gorgeous gardens, river walk and botanical greenhouses. My street is just one block long making it extra quiet but close to everything. Northampton is a little city of 30,000 which means bookstores, cafes, bakeries, music venues and parks....and it is surrounded by rural beauty.

Other features of my house....
--ten minute walk to large supermarket
--ten minute drive to local food co-op it's beautiful and has everything https://rivervalley.coop/
--bikepaths a few minutes away, miles in every direction: https://northamptonrailtrailsystem.wordpress.com/
---five colleges are all within 20 minutes with a free bus system


Northampton is a wonderful little city known for its restaurants, Smith College, free five-college bus service during the academic year, and tons of opportunities to be in nature are close by!

We have Amtrak right here to get you anywhere, and you can fly into Hartford CT or Boston very conveniently.


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