Leilighet i Berne, Sveits - hos Maya
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Har plass til 8
2 Soverom
2 Baderom
98 m²
2 dobbeltsenger
1 babyseng
1 ekstra enkeltseng
1 ekstra dobbeltseng
Maya har Vervemerket
1 person i nettverket deres.
Maya har vervet 1 person som har meldt seg inn i HomeExchange.Les mer
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Maya har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
My apartment is on the first floor of a 4 store apartment-building.
We have stairs and a elevator.
The whole apartment-complex has minenergie so is very eco friendly.
I have two bedrooms each containing a double bed and one also has a babybed.
A extra babybed is available and in the living-room the couch can be turned into a double bed.
I also have a single adult put up bed.
There are 2 bathrooms each containing a toilet.
One bathroom has a shower the other one a bathtub.
The washing machine and tumbler are in the apartment in the room next to the Summer-room.
The Summer-room has a big glass window that can be opened, so you can sit, relax and enjoy the sun, the fresh air and the scenery.
The kitchen is fully equipped and among other things contains a oven, coffee-machine and dishwasher.
In the apartment you will also have wireless internet access for your laptop and mobil-phone.
And for more entertainment there is a big plasmascreen TV incl Netflix.
Parking in front of the apartment is free from 19-7u with a blue parking-card. In between you can park free for a maximum of 2 Hours with the blue parking-card or pay for a longer stay.
The other possibilities are the parking garage from the Westside Mall which will cost about CHF50 per day. Or a parking-arrangement can be made with me for the garage from the apartment-complex.
There are two parks in the area on walking distance with a playground.
We have stairs and a elevator.
The whole apartment-complex has minenergie so is very eco friendly.
I have two bedrooms each containing a double bed and one also has a babybed.
A extra babybed is available and in the living-room the couch can be turned into a double bed.
I also have a single adult put up bed.
There are 2 bathrooms each containing a toilet.
One bathroom has a shower the other one a bathtub.
The washing machine and tumbler are in the apartment in the room next to the Summer-room.
The Summer-room has a big glass window that can be opened, so you can sit, relax and enjoy the sun, the fresh air and the scenery.
The kitchen is fully equipped and among other things contains a oven, coffee-machine and dishwasher.
In the apartment you will also have wireless internet access for your laptop and mobil-phone.
And for more entertainment there is a big plasmascreen TV incl Netflix.
Parking in front of the apartment is free from 19-7u with a blue parking-card. In between you can park free for a maximum of 2 Hours with the blue parking-card or pay for a longer stay.
The other possibilities are the parking garage from the Westside Mall which will cost about CHF50 per day. Or a parking-arrangement can be made with me for the garage from the apartment-complex.
There are two parks in the area on walking distance with a playground.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
The house is modern and located in a suburb of Bern, which is not far away from the center of Bern.
Bern is the capital of Switzerland and is beautiful and unique in it's own way.
The city is awarded UNSECO World Heritage and there are lots of historic sites and a lot of nice stories about the Renaissance fountains, special buildings, Zytlogge and the other architecture. The Aare passes the city and provides a beautiful scenery and wonderful walks.
Bern was the home of Einstein and Paul Klee. Besides those two famous man who have their own museum Bern also offers other museums and a wide range of other cultural activities, theaters, music hall, festivals.
You can reach the city/Center of Bern by bike in 18-20 minutes and by public transport 15-20 minutes.
Public Transportation and rental bikes are a 2 mInute walk away from the apartment but you can also stay in the neighborhood.
You have the Westside Mall, which is a 2 minute walk away, with a Cinema/Pathé, stores and restaurants and Bernaqua (swimming pool, sauna, massage)
Lidl is also on walking distance
From the apartment you can see a beautiful green field that is easily accessible and leads past small farms and a field with Llamas. In the summer sometimes you can also see a big field with sunflowers,
If you want to walk a bit further you can go to Gäbelbach a beautiful piece of forest with a small stream where you can completely relax, picnic or use the stream as a kiddy pool.
With the bike and also by public transport accessible is the Weyermansbad with free access to a large outdoor pool and a small one for the children.
For those who like to swim in the Aare there is the Marzilibad not far from the Center with also free access.
Plenty to do in Bern, but because Bern is centrally located you can easily make trips from here and get to know the rest of Switzerland.
Switzerland is unique because it is a Confederation and because of its linguistic diversity, it also gives a diversity of cultures. So go visit Neuchâtel with it's beautiful lake or Geneva to experience the France part.
Zúrich which is in total contrast to Bern. Or imagine yourself in Italy by visiting Locarno or Lugano.
Make breathtaking trips to Berner-Oberland (Thun, Interlaken) or go visit Zermatt or Saas Fee.
Bottom line you will not be bored at all and can make beautiful memories
Bern is the capital of Switzerland and is beautiful and unique in it's own way.
The city is awarded UNSECO World Heritage and there are lots of historic sites and a lot of nice stories about the Renaissance fountains, special buildings, Zytlogge and the other architecture. The Aare passes the city and provides a beautiful scenery and wonderful walks.
Bern was the home of Einstein and Paul Klee. Besides those two famous man who have their own museum Bern also offers other museums and a wide range of other cultural activities, theaters, music hall, festivals.
You can reach the city/Center of Bern by bike in 18-20 minutes and by public transport 15-20 minutes.
Public Transportation and rental bikes are a 2 mInute walk away from the apartment but you can also stay in the neighborhood.
You have the Westside Mall, which is a 2 minute walk away, with a Cinema/Pathé, stores and restaurants and Bernaqua (swimming pool, sauna, massage)
Lidl is also on walking distance
From the apartment you can see a beautiful green field that is easily accessible and leads past small farms and a field with Llamas. In the summer sometimes you can also see a big field with sunflowers,
If you want to walk a bit further you can go to Gäbelbach a beautiful piece of forest with a small stream where you can completely relax, picnic or use the stream as a kiddy pool.
With the bike and also by public transport accessible is the Weyermansbad with free access to a large outdoor pool and a small one for the children.
For those who like to swim in the Aare there is the Marzilibad not far from the Center with also free access.
Plenty to do in Bern, but because Bern is centrally located you can easily make trips from here and get to know the rest of Switzerland.
Switzerland is unique because it is a Confederation and because of its linguistic diversity, it also gives a diversity of cultures. So go visit Neuchâtel with it's beautiful lake or Geneva to experience the France part.
Zúrich which is in total contrast to Bern. Or imagine yourself in Italy by visiting Locarno or Lugano.
Make breathtaking trips to Berner-Oberland (Thun, Interlaken) or go visit Zermatt or Saas Fee.
Bottom line you will not be bored at all and can make beautiful memories
Modern, cosy and sunny apartment.
Close to the Westside Mall, but also close to nature.
Public transportation and rental bikes are a 2 minute walk away.
15-20 Minutes from the center of Bern by bike or public transportation
Close to the Westside Mall, but also close to nature.
Public transportation and rental bikes are a 2 minute walk away.
15-20 Minutes from the center of Bern by bike or public transportation
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Ja, denne boligen har en eller flere parkeringsplasser.
Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 2 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 98m2.
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