Hus med hage i Ao Fu Shi, Island - hos Sigrún Ásdís
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Har plass til 10
4 Soverom
2 Baderom
230 m²
1 dobbeltseng
1 stor dobbeltseng
1 barneseng
1 ekstra dobbeltseng
1 ekstra barneseng
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Sigrún Ásdís har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
My home is a house on one floor, with garage, garden and terrace. We have a sauna and hot and cold tubs outside the house. Also we have a small cottage with wc and good working space, it is possible for one person to sleep there. Our house is the most beautiful house in town. It is designed by an architect and the main features are the window location and the main space of the house, high to the ceiling with a beautiful view. There are 4 rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room in a large space. There are all the main kitchen appliances, sofas and chairs and a large dining table. There is underfloor heating in the house, a large walk in wardrobe and a laundry room. The house has a good spirit and we feel very comfortable here.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
We live in a small town in the South. We are 50 km from Reykjavík and 63 km from Kef Airport. We have a great view of the sea, the house is close to nature and beautiful hiking trails on the black beach. We have a great view of the sea, it is close to nature and beautiful hiking trails on the black beach. It is a 5 min walk to the town's swimming pool. The town has one supermarket as well as a wine shop and a pharmacy. There is also a small restaurant here in town. The new volcano is almost 40 km away. Within a radius of 100 km. Within a 100 km radius of the town are the main tourist attractions in the South, such as the Golden Ring with Gullfoss and Geysir to name a few.
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Har denne boligen en hage?
Ja, denne boligen har en hage. Du kan se flere detaljer om hagen og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
Passer denne boligen for personer som jobber hjemmefra?
Ja, denne boligen har wifi tilgjengelig. Vi anbefaler at du snakker med verten om dette for å forsikre deg om at nettverkshastigheten er tilstrekkelig for dine behov.
Har denne boligen en egen parkeringsplass?
Ja, denne boligen har en eller flere parkeringsplasser.
Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 4 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 230m2.
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