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Hus med hage i Leyde, Nederland - hos Maaike

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Har plass til 7
2 Soverom
1 Baderom
100 m²
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Maaike har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

Lovely home just 10 minutes walking distance to the historic city centre. Railway station is just 8 min walk. From where you can discover Amsterdam 30 min, The Hague 15 min, Utrecht 40 min). Schiphol Amsterdam AirPort is just 15 min by train and 20 min by car. Or you could just relax in our home and enjoy our garden with lots of herbs and edible fruits.

Floor plan
We have a front and back garden. A little shed on the side of the house is home to our bikes and garden equipment (bbq etc). On the ground floor you can find a separate toilet, living room with piano, kitchen with all sort of appliances and storage room.

On the first floor sits the master bedroom, bathroom with bath, toilet and washing equipment. Also there is an office room.

The attic has a two nice bedrooms for my daughters. One with a single person bed with underneath a slide out bed. The other room has a crib, but also a foldable couch.
We also have a foldable crib if necessary.

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

Born and raised in Amsterdam I always call Leiden little Amsterdam. They have the canals, the historic houses etc. But not as hectic and busy with tourist as Amsterdam. Leiden offers loads of cultural activities around the corner: Naturalis, Corpus, Boerhaave, national museum of antiques, hortus botanicus and observatory. But you can also go to the nice parks, beach and the Keukenhof.

Our house is located in a very green, childfriendly neighborhood with lots of playgrounds and a big park just 3 minutes away. Some small shops like a bakery are close by. The supermarket is 8 min walking distance.


We have two lovely cats who are used to children and like some attention once in a while. Once a week a cleaning lady comes by to clean the whole house. I am also a plant lady so there is lots of green dots of plants in the house.


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Denne boligen har 2 soverom.
Denne boligen har et areal på 100m2.
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