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Hus med hage i Sobotka, Tsjekkia - hos Veronika

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Veronikas foretrukne reisemål er Czechia, Poland, Italy og 2 til. Se mer
Har plass til 9
3 Soverom
1 Baderom
120 m²
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Veronika har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

New house (built in 2018) with 3x bedrooms, 1x toilet, 1x bathroom and big kitchen. You can enjoy stay in Prague and best countryside around (protected area Czech Paradise).

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

The trip to Prague - 1 hour (we can help you and give you recommendation or we organise car transport for you)

Best touristic places - it takes only 10-15 minutes by car - sandstone rocks, castles, forest..

2.500 square meters garden to enjoy


Bohemian Paradise (Czech: Český ráj) is a Protected Landscape Area and a region in Bohemia in the Czech Republic. It was declared in 1955, as the first nature reserve in Czechia. At first, it was 95 square kilometres in area; today it is almost 182 km². This area is in the north of Bohemia and north-eastward from the capital city Prague. Borders of the region are not clearly defined, but there are some towns which could demarcate rough borders, for example, Turnov, Jičín and Mnichovo Hradiště.

Natural environment
One of the most recognizable elements of Bohemian Paradise is the sandstone rock which many of the surrounding towns. There are many rocks which have been shaped by wind, water, frost, erosion, and humans into unique shapes. These include, for instance, the Hrubé, Suché, and Klokočské Rocks.

Prachovské skály
The Prachov Rocks (Czech: Prachovské skály) area of rock formations is particularly noteworthy. Since 1933, the area with 60 million year old formations has been a protected natural reserve. Some scenes for major television and film productions were filmed here.

The Hrubá Skála rock town area (Hruboskalské skalní město), with volcanic sandstone pillars, is also significant. A chateau, also called Hrubá Skála, is located high up on a rock platform. The original mansion was built in the 14th century but was extensively damaged over the years and re-built several times, finally in the style of a Renaissance chateau. The property is now operated as a hotel and spa.

Kozákov is the highest hill in the area. There are a tourist chalet and a lookout tower. Kozákov was originally a volcano. Thus, it is a place where precious stones are found. The treatment of these gems has been connected with the history of the city of Turnov called “The heart of the Bohemian Paradise” for several centuries.

Panorama at the Trosky Castle ruins
Trosky Castle, consisting of two 14th-century ruins, is located high on the summits of two basalt volcanic plugs, 15km from Turnov; the caves nearby can also be visited.

Other places of interest in Bohemian Paradise are the Bozkov dolomite caves, which contain the largest underground lake in the Czech Republic. The Podtrosecké Valley is situated below the ruins of Trosky Castle, one of the symbols of Bohemian Paradise. The valley is known for its countryside and several ponds, e.g., Věžák, Nebák, Vidlák. Plakánek valley begins near the Kost Castle and ends in the settlement Rašovec. There is a cycle route in this area. There are also a variety of ruins in the region, including Frýdštějn Castle and Valdštejn Castle.

Cultural sights
Two well-known castles in the area are Trosky and Kost. Other castles in the area include Sychrov Castle, Hrubý Rohozec Castle, Hrubá Skála Castle, and Humprecht Castle. There are also many ruins, such as Frýdštejn Castle and Valdštejn Castle and some buildings built in folk architecture style, for instance, Dlaskův and Boučkův Estates.


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