Leilighet med svømmebasseng i Daytona Beach, Usa - hos Linda
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Linda har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
Our second home is a two bedroom, two bath condominium in the Pendleton Club, overlooking the Intercoastal (Halifax River) in Daytona Beach, Floirda. Our living room onthe fourth floor , has a floor to ceiling glass window provides fabulous views of the intercoastal. We are only a few steps fro the worlds most famous beach, where you are still allowed to drive, walk or bike on the white sandy beach. The Condominium wsa built in 1960 and was built with a state of the art bomb shelter and is therefore not only one of the most beautiful but one of the sturdiest and well-built structures in the area. It has a unique character that includes hints of the past (such as a doorman) and with a recent 2 million dollar renovation - it is a jewel for the few that have discovered it. It offers a green grassy area for just laying on the green grass and soaking up the breeze and views of the dolphin and yachts that pass by, barbecue area under some magnificent oak trees by the water a dock from which you can catch flounder, reds, drum and terrific sunsets, and which is home to our 30 foot sailboat.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
The beachside of Daytona Beach (where we are) is a small beach town community, but it is close to everything you need for entertainment from the big city if you so choose. There are small river and beachside seafood restaurants and dinner that are close by.If you don't have a car, Uber is available in our area. In addition, just a few steps to the east of us is the white sandy beach, if you walk a few steps over the intercoastal on the west side of us, you can catch a baseball game or shop or check out the Harley Dealership, or visit a library, chocolate factory, or watch a yacht come in or out of the marina. On weekends, you can watch fireworks from the baseball stadium from the pool area or the dock. The condo is such a lovely spot that residents never leave and several have been there since when they first bought their home in the 70s. We are just a few miles from the world famous NASCAR racetrack which is home to the Daytona 500. If you go the west we are one hour from Orlando, home of Disney World, Sea World, and Universal and the to the South about one hour is Cape Kennedy and to the North about an hour is St. Augustine.
The condo is the only one in the Daytona Beach Area that still has doorman
The grounds are kept in immaculate condition
It is on the Intercoastal Waterway and only 2 blocks from the beach
The grounds are kept in immaculate condition
It is on the Intercoastal Waterway and only 2 blocks from the beach
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Har denne boligen et svømmebasseng?
Ja, denne boligen har svømmebasseng. Du kan se flere detaljer om svømmebassenget og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
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Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 2 soverom.
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