Hus med hage i Hochdorf, Sveits - hos Guy
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Har plass til 4
3 Soverom
2 Baderom
200 m²
1 dobbeltseng
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Guy har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk, tysk.
Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet
We live in a modern spacious eco friendly house entirley made out of wood.
The house is located in Hochdorf, a village located in the Seetal area. Every 30min there is a train to the worldwide famous city of Luzern. Our house is only 1min away from the train station. The living space is almost 200 square meters (approx 2'100 sq feet) and there is a small garden arround the house incl. a small rivulet. Our lovely veranda is big enough for 6 and more people for barbecue and comes with a view to the mountains. The kitchen has all appliances (dishwhaser, microwave, oven). The ground floor features the open kitchen and a specious living/dining area with a fireplace (coverd). There is additionaly a TV room with a big Plasma TV (International channels, DVD/BR-player, DVD library, Apple TV) with a comfortable king-size sofa. Each of our 2 bathrooms has a shower and in one bathroom there is also a bathtub. In the cellar you will find the washing machine, airdryer and tumbler.
The house is located in Hochdorf, a village located in the Seetal area. Every 30min there is a train to the worldwide famous city of Luzern. Our house is only 1min away from the train station. The living space is almost 200 square meters (approx 2'100 sq feet) and there is a small garden arround the house incl. a small rivulet. Our lovely veranda is big enough for 6 and more people for barbecue and comes with a view to the mountains. The kitchen has all appliances (dishwhaser, microwave, oven). The ground floor features the open kitchen and a specious living/dining area with a fireplace (coverd). There is additionaly a TV room with a big Plasma TV (International channels, DVD/BR-player, DVD library, Apple TV) with a comfortable king-size sofa. Each of our 2 bathrooms has a shower and in one bathroom there is also a bathtub. In the cellar you will find the washing machine, airdryer and tumbler.
Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget
Hochdorf is a village in the Seetal area. Within short time you are in Luzern the next big city. Our village has a population of arround 10'000. It has some very good restaurants (e.g. also a Chinese Restaurant), groceries stores, bakery and a shopping area.
Luzern ( is a beautiful city in the heart of Switzerland and has 100'000 habitants. Luzern is famous for his beautiful view to the mountains and the lake is nearby. It's the best starting point to visit Switzerland.
Luzern ( is a beautiful city in the heart of Switzerland and has 100'000 habitants. Luzern is famous for his beautiful view to the mountains and the lake is nearby. It's the best starting point to visit Switzerland.
It has a lovely veranda with view to the garden.
It is only 20min to the beautiful city of Luzern.
Explore Switzerland by public transport.
It is only 20min to the beautiful city of Luzern.
Explore Switzerland by public transport.
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Har denne boligen en hage?
Ja, denne boligen har en hage. Du kan se flere detaljer om hagen og andre fasiliteter på denne siden.
Passer denne boligen for personer som jobber hjemmefra?
Ja, denne boligen har wifi tilgjengelig. Vi anbefaler at du snakker med verten om dette for å forsikre deg om at nettverkshastigheten er tilstrekkelig for dine behov.
Har denne boligen en egen parkeringsplass?
Ja, denne boligen har en eller flere parkeringsplasser.
Hvor mange soverom har denne boligen?
Denne boligen har 3 soverom.
Hvor stor er denne boligen?
Denne boligen har et areal på 200m2.
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