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Hus med hage i Sapphire Beach, Australia - hos Lynn

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Har plass til 8
4 Soverom
3 Baderom
500 m²
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Lynn har beskrevet sitt hjem på engelsk.

Hva kommer du til å elske i dette hjemmet

Our completely renovated home, with its absolute beachfront position, certainly has the WOW factor. Situated in a quiet cul-der-sac in a sought after beachside suburb called Sapphire Beach, 7 minutes north of Coffs Harbour on the North Coast of NSW. As you enter our house, climb the stairs and look our through the wide open sliding glass doors towards the ocean, you feel as if you could plunge right into the sparkling sapphire blue sea. It really is that close! With stunning, 180 degree uninterrupted views of the sand, surf and the Solitary Islands and lighthouse in the distance, the house is designed and decorated for relaxated, contemporary and open plan beachside living. Timber floors and decks upstairs, polished porcelein tiles and continuing outside onto tiled patios downstairs, make for easy maintenance. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, three living areas and wide sliding doors opening out onto spacious decks are perfect for alfresco dining, bringing the ambiance of the seaside indoors. The decks are set up for dining, lounging, and barbequing, while taking in the breathtaking views of the ocean and the beautiful Coffs Harbour coastline. Porpoises are a common site from the house and we have also caught glimpses of whales breaching out of the water in the distance. It is only a 3 minute stroll to the beach directly in front of the house, which is ideal for beach walking, swimming, fishing or just sunbathing on the pristine white sand that Australian beaches are famous for. Enjoy an alfresco breakfast on the deck, a swim at the beach, then lunching out while discovering the many interesting attractions of the local area. In the evening you may enjoy cooking some of the excellent local seafood that is regularly available. What can I say, we live in paradise and we would love to share it with you!

Hva du vil elske med dette nabolaget

Coffs Harbour has excellent shopping and world class restaurants. We have two wonderful restaurants within a 5 minute walk along the beach from our house. The town has many tourist attractions befitting a popular seaside holiday destination. Whale Watching cruises are popular with visitors and locals, leaving the harbour seven days a week from May until November. Fishing on the beaches, from the jetty or deep sea fishing out on one of the local charter boats are also available. Coffs have two international standard golf courses. Popular Byron Bay is 2 1/2 hours drive to the north and Port Macquarie 2 hours to the south. Coffs Harbour is perfectly located half way between the major cities of Sydney and Brisbane. One hour to the west of Coffs Harbour is Bellingen and Dorrigo, famous for their quaint village atmosphere, bushwalking,mountain views and world renowned rainforests. Coffs Harbour has a very temperate climate, with some locals swimming all through winter.


We often see whales and dolphins from the deck.
A five minute walk to the beach for a stroll.
We have excellent cafes, restaurants and shopping.


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Smart TV

Unike fasiliteter

Privat parkering
Privat hage
Balkong/ terrasse

Egnet for hjemmekontor

Dedikert arbeidsplass
Høyhastighets tilkobling

Bærekraftige fasiliteter

Leverandør av fornybar energi
Maskiner med lavt forbruk
Tilgang til offentlig transport
Selektiv avfallssortering
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