Kuća saját kerttel Wangen Im Allgäuban, Njemačka - Stephanov/in dom
- Potvrđena osobna iskaznica i dokaz o adresi
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 12
5 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
135 m²
1 veliki bračni krevet
1 dječji krevet
1 krevetić
1 dodatni jednostavan krevet
1 dodatni dječji krevet
Učlani se sada!
Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Stephan je opisao/la svoj dom na njemačkom, engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Attention! Please note that from April-October 2024 a big Garden Fair takes place in Wangen. We live ON the festival area. This means:
-You will live in a very nice, green Environment
-There will be all kinds of Fun, Events for Kids, a Beach Bar, Concerts etc. going on
-Festival Gates close at 9 pm, so theres no party/noise etc in the nights. People living in the area can use the 24/7 gate
-You will have to buy a festival ticket (for example 250 Euro for the whole familiy for the whole season)
- Its a garden and family festival, NOT a rock/clubbing/party - thing!
-Still: A lot of people will be around in the area. The house itself and the garden are of course private!
-Further information: https://lgswangen2024.de
We live in a beautiful semi-detached house with private garden in a lively neighbourhood. There is a restaurant, an organic shop and a river with a beach (and a beach bar) within 5 minutes walk.
Please note that we only host for a minimum of one week. Thanks for understanding!
-You will live in a very nice, green Environment
-There will be all kinds of Fun, Events for Kids, a Beach Bar, Concerts etc. going on
-Festival Gates close at 9 pm, so theres no party/noise etc in the nights. People living in the area can use the 24/7 gate
-You will have to buy a festival ticket (for example 250 Euro for the whole familiy for the whole season)
- Its a garden and family festival, NOT a rock/clubbing/party - thing!
-Still: A lot of people will be around in the area. The house itself and the garden are of course private!
-Further information: https://lgswangen2024.de
We live in a beautiful semi-detached house with private garden in a lively neighbourhood. There is a restaurant, an organic shop and a river with a beach (and a beach bar) within 5 minutes walk.
Please note that we only host for a minimum of one week. Thanks for understanding!
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
The house is surrounded by nature: gardens everywhere, mountain view from the street.
Within 12 Minutes Walking Distance you reach either the forest and the river for walks or the beautiful old town of Wangen with shops, cafés, farmer market (wednesday and saturday) ...
Big public pool with water slide, playground, kiosk etc. within 8 minutes bike-ride.
Nice families with babies and children are available for playground dates, barbecues etc.
Within 12 Minutes Walking Distance you reach either the forest and the river for walks or the beautiful old town of Wangen with shops, cafés, farmer market (wednesday and saturday) ...
Big public pool with water slide, playground, kiosk etc. within 8 minutes bike-ride.
Nice families with babies and children are available for playground dates, barbecues etc.
Dodatne informacije
Within 15 minutes by car you reach Lake Constance.
Within one hour, you can visit the Alpes (for example the beautiful Hochgrat) or famous Schloss Neuschwanstein.
Please note, that we only host people for at least 1 week ...
Within one hour, you can visit the Alpes (for example the beautiful Hochgrat) or famous Schloss Neuschwanstein.
Please note, that we only host people for at least 1 week ...
ID doma
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Koliko spavaćih soba ima u ovom smještaju?
Ovaj smještaj ima 5 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 135m2.
Počnite mijenjati svoj dom!
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