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Kuća saját kerttel Castricumban, Nizozemska - Willemijnov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 12
5 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
235 m²
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Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

Saznajte više


Willemijn je opisao/la svoj dom na nizozemskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

We have a comfortable and spacious family house (225 m2) in the coastal village of Castricum (30km north of Amsterdam), with a back yard (600m2) and private parking. We have 3 children of 15, 13 and 12 years old.

Ground floor:
Hallway and toilet, living room (tv, music player, wifi), open kitchen and dining area. The kitchen is fully equipped with a stove+oven, microwave, quooker, dishwasher, 2 fridges etc. The dining area seats 8.
There is a pool table and table footall game available.

First floor:
2 childrens bedrooms (beds 140x200), a bathroom, sperate toilet, small office room and a master bedroom with walk in closet and a bathroom with small sauna.

Second Floor:
This floor is our daughters room (bed 140x200) with a walk in closet.

There are 3 spare matresses if needed (90x200).

Garden lies around the house on three sides. Strech of grass, terrace with lounge set, kamado BBQ, large outdoor table, table tennis table, temporary swimming pool.

Due to recent moving and 'work in progress' into our new house the photo's are not complete yet. There is also a nice attic in the house wich is our daughters room. Photo's will me uploaded as soon as it is ready.
There will be a garden room ready in summer hollidays. It is not photographed yet becausae they start building in april '25. At the moment there are gardeners working to do some changes. The garden photo's do not match with the reality when you arrive here. I will update it as soon as it is ready. We planted a large tree, expaned the former terrace and addes quit some plants to it.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Our house is located in Castricum near the forest, dunes and beach. Shopping area, groceries (butchery, greenery etc.) and restaurants all at distance of 5 minites driving or cycling (that route is shorter). There is a bakery within 5 minutes walking. The coastal forest/dune area (Kennermerduinen) starts at 5 minute cycling distance from the house, and the sea and beach are a 15 min bike ride through these dunes (or a 10 minute drive by car). There are bikes available at the house. The beach area is laid out for families, but also has multiple lively beach venues.

Castricum has an excellent train connection (direct and every 15 minutes) to Amsterdam (25 minutes Amsterdam Central Station), Haarlem (25 minutes), Alkmaar (10 minutes). The station is a 5 miniute driving or bike ride from the house. By car to the city centres: Amsterdam (35 km), Haarlem (30km), Alkmaar (15km)

The surrounding dune, forest and beach area offers lots of options to hike, cycle, swimm, watersports or horse ride. Also the Lake of Alkmaar lies at 10 km distance from the house (great place for swimming, sailing or other water activities).

The beach of Castricum is a 10 minute bike ride from our house.

Because we just moved into it, not all the photo's are up to date. So some photo's are just an impression but can be decorated a little different from the photo's. I will update our page soon.

Dodatne informacije

We have a dog (medium size, 30kg) and a puppy born november 2024, so feel free to bring yours! There's a bench etc in the livingroom.
Our house has a minimum stay of 7 nights during summer.

Please feel free to ask whatever you need if you want more information.

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Ovaj dom ima kućne ljubimce koji mogu izazvati alergije.


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Česta pitanja

Da, ovaj smještaj ima vrt. Više pojedinosti o vrtu i drugim sadržajima naći ćete na ovoj stranici.
Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Ovaj smještaj ima 5 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 235m2.
Počnite mijenjati svoj dom!

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