Bravo, Vaš telefonski broj sada je potvrđen!

Kuća Schwarzachban, Austrija - Isabelov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 3
1 Spavaće sobe
1 Kupaonica
105 m²
Pogledajte krevete

Učlani se sada!

Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

Saznajte više


Isabel je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

An unrestricted view to the west, into the sunset (on clear days up to 100 km away), is offered by the highlight of the flat, the very spacious 33 m2 terrace with continuous glass balustrade.
The bright living room with dining area and large, functional and modern fitted kitchen faces south-west and promises relaxing and restful hours.
A panoramic window gives the approx. 15 m2 bathroom, with free-standing bathtub, shower, extra WC and two washbasins, an incomparable flair.
The bedroom and the office face north, towards the edge of the forest, and guarantee undisturbed, restful sleep and relaxed working - here too, as in all rooms, with a view of the lake.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Our apartment is part of a building comprising two residential units and is situated in an attractive, quiet location at an altitude of 800 meters on Bildsteiner Berg. Our village is small and very pretty, but has a basilica church as its highlight.
Public transportation is easily accessible, with a bus stop just two minutes away. Daily shopping needs can be met within a 12-minute walk.
By car, you can reach the valley within five minutes, where all essential infrastructure, such as bus and train connections, pharmacies, and various grocery stores, are also easily accessible.
The Lake of Constance leisure and cultural region offers many tourist opportunities in summer. For mountain sports, leisurely hikes and wonderful nature experiences, we have the Alps on our doorstep. The famous cities of Zurich and Munich are also very easy to reach by car in 1.5 hours and 2 hours respectively.

Dodatne informacije

Respectful treatment of our properties is important to us, which is why we would like you to do the same.
- Bookings are only possible for stays of one week or more.
- Parties are not permitted and a quiet period from 10 pm to 7 am must be observed.
- Smoking is not permitted in the flat.
- The flat is very well maintained and we therefore ask you to treat it with care.

ID doma

#2814275Kopirana URL adresa!




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Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Ovaj smještaj ima 1 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 105m2.
Počnite mijenjati svoj dom!

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