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Kuća saját kerttel Ilhetban, Francuska - Isabelleov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 5
2 Sobe
1 Kupaonica
140 m²
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Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

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Isabelle je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom, francuskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Our house is a pretty stone cottage in the Aure valley, in the land of the Nestes, at the heart of the Pyrenees. We are very happy to share it with you in exchange for guest points. If you wish to have the house to yourselves, that's also possible. You should consult the other profile on my page - the house is the same but not the calendar !

The front door opens into a huge living area with a reading and TV corner (note that the television is very small), a sitting-room area in front of a large fireplace, extending into a spacious kitchen area with its bay windows overlooking our delightful little garden. You will also find a high-quality digital piano, a guitar, and our two cats!

Halfway upstairs, in an old converted barn, there is a magnificent artist's studio with a futon sofa bed. It could be used as an office or an extra bedroom.

On the first floor, you will find two large main bedrooms, both of which are available to you, as well as a bathroom, which extends into a laundry area.
Our bedroom and private bathroom are situated somewhat apart, on the second floor.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

The house is located in the charming village of Ilhet, just a 10-minute walk from Sarrancolin, where you'll find two bars/restaurants, a butcher, a tobacconist, and a small supermarket. You are in the heart of a beautiful mid-mountain region, just 30 minutes from the ski resorts, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

The valley is crossed by the beautiful Neste River and its many tributaries, offering an ideal setting for nature lovers. Countless hiking trails start right at your doorstep.

A 10-minute drive away, don’t miss the delightful little town of Arreau, crisscrossed by streams at the meeting point of the two Nestes. For a more adventurous getaway, a one-hour drive will take you to the Néouvielle Nature Reserve, with its stunning crystal-clear lakes, or across the border to explore Bielsa in Spain.

Finally, an hour and a half away, you can visit Toulouse, the Pink City, or Marciac, renowned for its jazz festival.

Dodatne informacije

Meet our two tabby cats, Schmoutz and Schubert. They’re affectionate and love your company… especially if you’re quietly watching TV or lost in a good book. If you don’t want them sleeping with you, be sure to close your door at night – they’d be delighted, but they’re perfectly capable of living their own lives!

Every now and then, they squabble a little, but nothing to worry about. Thanks to their cat flap, they come and go as they please and don’t need a litter box – nature takes care of that. Phew!

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