Stan Freiburg im Breisgauban, Njemačka - Mariannaov/in dom
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Mariannaova/ina željena destinacija je Krakow, Warsaw, London. Saznajte više
Moj dom
Smještaj za 3
1 Spavaće sobe
2 Kupaonice
90 m²
1 bračni krevet
1 dodatni jednostavan krevet
Marianna ima značku sponzora
1 osoba osoba u njihovoj mreži.
Marianna je preporučio 1 osoba koji su se pridružili HomeExchange.Saznajte više
Učlani se sada!
Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Marianna je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
The apartment is our primary home and we are sure you are going to love it, especially if you want to combine a holiday in Alsatia and Switzerland with your stay in Freiburg.
We only have one bedroom, but two beautiful balconies with two different clima zones : one is hot and with no wind or, if you prefer, the other one is sort of breezy and cooler in the height of the summer.
The apartment is on the second floor, with no elevator. Parking at no cost is not easy, but possible if you come by car and you can also choose from a variety of bicycles, if you want to explore the environments. In the winter you shall have a choice of skis waiting for you.
We only have one bedroom, but two beautiful balconies with two different clima zones : one is hot and with no wind or, if you prefer, the other one is sort of breezy and cooler in the height of the summer.
The apartment is on the second floor, with no elevator. Parking at no cost is not easy, but possible if you come by car and you can also choose from a variety of bicycles, if you want to explore the environments. In the winter you shall have a choice of skis waiting for you.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
The apartment is in a terraced house in a beautiful area close to a park, about 15 minutes on foot from the woods and 10 minutes (also on foot) from the city center. If you don't feel like walking or cycling and you are tired of relaxing on the balconies, you can go downstairs and sit in one of the cafes or restaurants nearby. On the next main street you'll find all what you need.
As you know, Freiburg is about 30 - 40 minutes away from Colmar in Alsatia and Basel in Switzerland. The connections by public transport to these cities as well as to beautiful places in the Black Forest are good.
As you know, Freiburg is about 30 - 40 minutes away from Colmar in Alsatia and Basel in Switzerland. The connections by public transport to these cities as well as to beautiful places in the Black Forest are good.
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Je li ovaj stan prikladan za osobe koje rade na daljinu?
Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
Postoji li parkirno mjesto za ovaj smještaj?
Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Koliko spavaćih soba ima u ovom smještaju?
Ovaj smještaj ima 1 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 90m2.
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