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Stan The Hagueban, Nizozemska - Inekeov/in dom

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Inekeova/ina željena destinacija je Indonesia. Saznajte više
Moj dom
Smještaj za 4
2 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
175 m²
Pogledajte krevete

Učlani se sada!

Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

Saznajte više


Ineke je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Our house is an old house with ornate and high ceilings, and an elegant fireplace (on gas). The entrance is on the ground floor, and we live on the first, second and third floor. We don't have a garden, but we are lucky to have a big roof terrace at the back accessible from the master bedroom at the third floor (amazing for the sunset). There is a smaller bedroom on the second floor. Our nest combines a classic and relaxing style, and it is a pleasant place to live.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Our house is located in the heart of the famous and beautiful Statenkwartier in The Hague, with large and well-maintained early 20th century houses of a stately character (hence the name) with many art nouveau/jugendstill details. The apartment is in a quiet street around the corner of the cosy and well-equipped Frederik Hendriklaan and (Aert v.d. Goesstraat) - affectionately named 'the Fred' locally. You will find all sorts of small shops, coffee corners, restaurants and bars here in a very international ('expat') setting. At the end of our street is the famous Kunstmuseum, with its celebrated Mondriaan collection, and two more musea.
Scheveningen harbour, with nice restaurant facilities and views, is just 15 minutes walk away, the beach just 5 minutes more. Nearby are also nice parks like the Westbroekpark , the Westduinpark, the bosjes van Poot and the Scheveningse Bos.
The Hague has kilometers of golden beaches, kilometers of cycle path and other musea with the “girl with a pearl earring”.
Two frequent tramlines and 3 buses will connect you to the center of The Hague in 10 minutes.
If the parliament city the Hague is not enough for you, do not forget, from The Hague it is never far away to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and all the other smaller places worthwhile to visit.

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Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
Ovaj smještaj ima 2 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 175m2.
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