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Kuća Trinidadban, Sjedinjene Države - Ellieov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 4
1 Spavaće sobe
1 Kupaonica
7 ft²
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Ellie je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

My home is a little duplex built in the 1940s, on a rural lane of similar duplexes. One bedroom with a queen bed, and a full size futon sofa in the living room. Original wood floors and a wood burning stove for heat. Green meadow views out the kitchen and bedroom windows. Moon and stars can be seen easily if you go for a nighttime stroll. Strong wifi lets you work remotely if needed.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

The neighborhood is surrounded by trees, and it's a short walk to the nearest beach. 5 min drive from downtown Trinidad where there's a small grocery store, post office, gas station, a handful of restaurants, and epic views. Trinidad is known for its beach coves, and fishing. Starting in May there's a Sunday artisan market downtown with music and handmade goods, and in the winter you'll find mushrooms along the hiking trails.

A 10 min drive takes you to Sue-Meg State Park. Just north of that is a cluster of lagoons for swimming, kayaking, canoeing & paddle boarding. Keep going further and you can check out Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park and Redwood State & National Parks. The mouth of the Klamath river in nearby- the largest rivermouth in CA that hasn't been made into a marina. Fern Canyon is nearby, where you can spot herds of Rosevelt Elk, and also where the movie Jurassic Park was filmed.

It's a 20 min drive to downtown Arcata for your choice in natural foods stores, the Minor Theatre, hiking and biking in the community redwood forest, birding at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary, year-round Saturday farmer's market on the plaza, independent bookstores, and various bars and music venues. Southern Arcata (Samoa and Manila) is a peninsula with expansive dog-friendly beaches.

Eureka is 30 minutes south of Trinidad with the waterfront in Old Town, a Friday night street market, thrift stores, zoo, and good hiking on the outskirts of town.

The Mad River is a 20 min drive inland in the town of Blue Lake, with swimming in the earlier summer months before it gets low, mountain biking trails, and the famous Mad River Brewing Co for lunch and evening events.

Drive inland an hour to Willow Creek to find tons of river spots on the Trinity River, and nearby Klamath and Salmon rivers. It gets hot hot hot there in the summers! Great to spend a day in the heat then come back to the coast and its more moderate temperature range.

Dodatne informacije

Check-in: 2pm

Check-out: 11am

Please be sure to discuss any pets before confirming an exchange.

Wifi is available for streaming entertainment (no TV, so bring your streaming device if you want one) and is strong for remote working.

Designated parking spot.

Heat source is the wood stove in living room. Will supply you with wood and kindling.

No washer/dryer.

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