Kuća medencével Mudjimbaban, Australija - Victoriaov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 8
4 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
300 m²
1 bračni krevet
Učlani se sada!
Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
victoria je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Family friendly Beach house just a 5 minute walk to the beautiful Mudjimba Beach on the Sunshine Coast that offers an amazing pool and a Bali vibe. Our lovely beach pad is perfect for a family or two couples wanting to spend some time in this fantastic location. Sun cream and thongs are vital! We accept dogs on request.
This funky bungalow has a huge open plan lounge / kitchen/ dining area with bifold doors that open up onto a big deck. There is a brand new amazing pool with a covered seating area that is perfect for entertaining and relaxing with friends. The deck wraps around the side of the house and is a perfect area for just sitting and enjoying the amazing lizards and birds that surround you. The four bedrooms are all towards the back of the house. There is a small path that leads through the garden and the beach is just two blocks away. We have created a really beautiful and relaxed environment for you to enjoy. A real home from home. There are two new bathrooms, one with a big bath from which you can see the stars at night.We have lots of toys for the kids and can set up rooms to meet your requirements.
Our home suits up to four adults and three children, perfect for a family with young children.
This funky bungalow has a huge open plan lounge / kitchen/ dining area with bifold doors that open up onto a big deck. There is a brand new amazing pool with a covered seating area that is perfect for entertaining and relaxing with friends. The deck wraps around the side of the house and is a perfect area for just sitting and enjoying the amazing lizards and birds that surround you. The four bedrooms are all towards the back of the house. There is a small path that leads through the garden and the beach is just two blocks away. We have created a really beautiful and relaxed environment for you to enjoy. A real home from home. There are two new bathrooms, one with a big bath from which you can see the stars at night.We have lots of toys for the kids and can set up rooms to meet your requirements.
Our home suits up to four adults and three children, perfect for a family with young children.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
There is loads to do. But by far the best thing is to just kick back in the amazing pool area and watch your world slow down. The kids will have lots of adventures to the beach and bush walks in the area too. Australia zoo is nearby, Aussie Wor;ld, great shopping at the Sunshine Plaza. There are some great paddle boarding and surfing spots in the area and if you fancy a bit of golf there is the world class course at Twin Waters.
There are lots of live music events in the area too just go online and check out the local beaches, noosa, Maroochydore, Marcoola and Coolum. Hikes and restaurants nearby - Soak up the sun and reggae vibes. Bring the kids too.
There are lots of live music events in the area too just go online and check out the local beaches, noosa, Maroochydore, Marcoola and Coolum. Hikes and restaurants nearby - Soak up the sun and reggae vibes. Bring the kids too.
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Koliko spavaćih soba ima u ovom smještaju?
Ovaj smještaj ima 4 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 300m2.
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