Kuća saját kerttel Gersthofenban, Njemačka - Maxov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 7
4 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
140 m²
1 bračni krevet
Učlani se sada!
Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Max je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Our home is comfortable and has everything you need on your holidays. It offers 4 bedrooms, 1 with double bed, 2 for kids with each additional floor, where kids can sleep. 2 bathrooms, living room with fireplace, open kitchen fully equipped. In cellar you can find an additional room for guests, sauna room and the second bathroom. In summer backyard offers everything to enjoy the weather while kids are jumping on ground trampoline. 2 E Bikes for adults and 2 for kids are available and can be used.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
Gersthofen is an suburb of Augsburg and only 60 km from Munich reachable by car in 30 min. Augsburg is a beautiful city with old roman history over 2000 years. Public transport like trains and busses are attainable in few minutes. The proximity enjoys to the Alps which offer the most beautiful winter sports possibilities like Skiing, Snowboarding or wander/strolling in only 100 km. 2 adult and 2 kids bicycles are available. Mild winter last time makes it possible to ride all year. In near distance a lot of indoor swimmig pools with thermal spa are available. In summer you could swim in the sea which is only 50m away. The river Lech is 1, 5km away from house. Enjoy your vacation!
- Buzzy restaurants: Loft: http://loft-gersthofen.de/ Schlemmer: https://www.gasthaus-schlemmer.de/, italia la comedia: https://lacommedia.eu/gersthofen, https://www.schlachthof-restaurant-bar.de/
- Cool bars: Kultstrand Augsburg, Mo Club, Kesselhaus, Mahagoni Bar, Enchilada
- Cozy cafés: https://www.caffe-gelateria-veneto.de/
- Retail therapy: Citycenter Gersthofen, Citygallerie Augsburg, Downtown Augsburg
- Bit of culture: Augsburg Cathedral, The Augsburger Rathaus and Golden Hall, The Fuggerei, Mozarthaus Augsburg, Maximilianstrasse and the Maximilian Museum, The German Baroque Gallery and the Schaezler Palace, St. Ulrich's and St. Afra's Abbey, Augsburg Botanical Gardens and Zoo, The Augsburg Eiskanal,
- Walks in the park: nature: Lech walkings and cycling,
- Spot of exercise: Tennisclub Gersthofen, Soccergolf in Rehling, climbing forest in Rehling (Scherneck)
- Day tripping: Schloss Scherneck, baloon museum Gersthofen, german museum munich, Augsburger Puppenkiste, walking trough Fuggerei in Augsburg, visit Perlachturm in Augsburg
- Buzzy restaurants: Loft: http://loft-gersthofen.de/ Schlemmer: https://www.gasthaus-schlemmer.de/, italia la comedia: https://lacommedia.eu/gersthofen, https://www.schlachthof-restaurant-bar.de/
- Cool bars: Kultstrand Augsburg, Mo Club, Kesselhaus, Mahagoni Bar, Enchilada
- Cozy cafés: https://www.caffe-gelateria-veneto.de/
- Retail therapy: Citycenter Gersthofen, Citygallerie Augsburg, Downtown Augsburg
- Bit of culture: Augsburg Cathedral, The Augsburger Rathaus and Golden Hall, The Fuggerei, Mozarthaus Augsburg, Maximilianstrasse and the Maximilian Museum, The German Baroque Gallery and the Schaezler Palace, St. Ulrich's and St. Afra's Abbey, Augsburg Botanical Gardens and Zoo, The Augsburg Eiskanal,
- Walks in the park: nature: Lech walkings and cycling,
- Spot of exercise: Tennisclub Gersthofen, Soccergolf in Rehling, climbing forest in Rehling (Scherneck)
- Day tripping: Schloss Scherneck, baloon museum Gersthofen, german museum munich, Augsburger Puppenkiste, walking trough Fuggerei in Augsburg, visit Perlachturm in Augsburg
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Koliko spavaćih soba ima u ovom smještaju?
Ovaj smještaj ima 4 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 140m2.
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