Kuća saját kerttel Waihi Beachban, Novi Zeland - Daleov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 6
3 Sobe
1 Kupaonica
172 m²
Učlani se sada!
Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Dale je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Lovely home modern style
Great indoor outdoor flow, stacker doors open out onto deck.
Sunny and warm, heat pump when cooler.
Great indoor outdoor flow, stacker doors open out onto deck.
Sunny and warm, heat pump when cooler.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
Waihi Beach is a beautiful sandy beach of 9 kms situated at the base of the Coromandel peninsula in the Bay of Plenty.
Our home is in a quiet street only 12 mins stroll to our beautiful beach.
Our area has gold town connections from the past with scenic walks close by.
Our home has all amenities you would expect in a modern home.
Great indoor outdoor flow onto covered deck for dining outdoors,and we back on to a farm!
Auckland airport in 2 hours. away . A car would be required.
We have two little towns within 10 kms to explore.
If you wish to just enjoy the beach then we have a supermarket, cafes, pharmacy, shops, and hotel all within a short walk from our home.
- Buzzy restaurants: Cafes
- Cool bars: La vie en. Rose tapas bar.
- Secret Garden funky cafe and Bar with Mexican vibes
- Cozy cafés: Many serving great coffee
- Retail therapy: Village has clothes and other retail outlets
- Bit of culture: Early mining for gold in the area, with a little train to take you into the gold mining area
- Walks in the park: Beach walks to beautiful stunning bays
- Day tripping: Towns of Kati Kati and Waihi , Tauranga city 50 minutes south
- Gateway to the stunning Coromandel Peninsula
Our home is in a quiet street only 12 mins stroll to our beautiful beach.
Our area has gold town connections from the past with scenic walks close by.
Our home has all amenities you would expect in a modern home.
Great indoor outdoor flow onto covered deck for dining outdoors,and we back on to a farm!
Auckland airport in 2 hours. away . A car would be required.
We have two little towns within 10 kms to explore.
If you wish to just enjoy the beach then we have a supermarket, cafes, pharmacy, shops, and hotel all within a short walk from our home.
- Buzzy restaurants: Cafes
- Cool bars: La vie en. Rose tapas bar.
- Secret Garden funky cafe and Bar with Mexican vibes
- Cozy cafés: Many serving great coffee
- Retail therapy: Village has clothes and other retail outlets
- Bit of culture: Early mining for gold in the area, with a little train to take you into the gold mining area
- Walks in the park: Beach walks to beautiful stunning bays
- Day tripping: Towns of Kati Kati and Waihi , Tauranga city 50 minutes south
- Gateway to the stunning Coromandel Peninsula
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Ovaj smještaj ima 3 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 172m2.
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