Kuća medencével Ormond Beachban, Sjedinjene Države - Nancyov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 8
3 Sobe
3 Kupaonice
3498 ft²
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Nancy je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Nancy designed and built our lovely 3500 sq. ft. home in 2006, which fits perfectly in our nautical setting. Solid cherry hardwood floors through out. A huge marble master bath and shower.
Ormond Beach is located 60 miles West of Orlando and just North of the famous Daytona Beach, ranked among the top ten best beaches in the world. It is an outdoor wonderland. Kite surfing, surfing, swimming, shelling, fishing, sailing, kayaking, boating of every type, tennis, golf & bicycling or just soaking up the sun on our pool deck overlooking spectacular sunsets on the intracoastal waterway. There is a state park across the intracoastal with all kinds of hiking and kayaking (the best method for seeing the protected manatees). It is a 5 minute walk to the beach.
Although it is a beach town we have a lovely art museum and performing arts theatre and great restaurants!
Ormond Beach is located 60 miles West of Orlando and just North of the famous Daytona Beach, ranked among the top ten best beaches in the world. It is an outdoor wonderland. Kite surfing, surfing, swimming, shelling, fishing, sailing, kayaking, boating of every type, tennis, golf & bicycling or just soaking up the sun on our pool deck overlooking spectacular sunsets on the intracoastal waterway. There is a state park across the intracoastal with all kinds of hiking and kayaking (the best method for seeing the protected manatees). It is a 5 minute walk to the beach.
Although it is a beach town we have a lovely art museum and performing arts theatre and great restaurants!
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
- Buzzy restaurants: Peach Valley, Stonewood Grill, Outback
- Cool bars: 31, Rose Villa, Caffeine's, Funky Pelican, Next Door
- Cozy cafés: Sun and Sand restaurant - best pancakes!
- Retail therapy: Beachy - Granada Blvd.- Millennium Mall in Orlando (1 hr) for very high end shopping and numerous shopping malls in-between.
- Bit of culture: Ormond Art Museum and Performing Arts Center, Ocean Center.
- Walks in the park: Bulow State Park, Tomoka State Park
- Spot of exercise: Walking on Beach, Tennis anything outdoors! We also have a full gym in our house. And lots of toys for river and beach.
- Day tripping: Disney World (1:20), Kennedy Space Center (1:30), Orlando (1 hr), St. Augustine (1 hr) (oldest city in FL complete with FL)
- Buzzy restaurants: Peach Valley, Stonewood Grill, Outback
- Cool bars: 31, Rose Villa, Caffeine's, Funky Pelican, Next Door
- Cozy cafés: Sun and Sand restaurant - best pancakes!
- Retail therapy: Beachy - Granada Blvd.- Millennium Mall in Orlando (1 hr) for very high end shopping and numerous shopping malls in-between.
- Bit of culture: Ormond Art Museum and Performing Arts Center, Ocean Center.
- Walks in the park: Bulow State Park, Tomoka State Park
- Spot of exercise: Walking on Beach, Tennis anything outdoors! We also have a full gym in our house. And lots of toys for river and beach.
- Day tripping: Disney World (1:20), Kennedy Space Center (1:30), Orlando (1 hr), St. Augustine (1 hr) (oldest city in FL complete with FL)
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