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Kuća medencével Carlsbadban, Sjedinjene Države - Lilyov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 11
5 Sobe
5 Kupaonice
4725 ft²
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Učlani se sada!

Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

Saznajte više


Lily je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Spacious, comfortable, luxury, only 5 years brand new build. Everything you need to make you and your guests feel welcome. Entertaining is effortless with private backyard. We have high speed wifi to serve netflix and hulu and HBO. Flat screen TV's in 4 rooms if guest want to retreat. Every bedroom is an ensuite so no shared bathrooms plus a powder room downstairs for guests. Aesthetically pleasing and modern updates. All furniture selected with good posture support in mind. A work out/ bonus DJ room is available. One Plenty of parking on street and designated long driveway. Backyard faces South side so plenty of sunshine. Stacking doors that bring the outside in. Pergola for shade directly outside the great room. Access to our community Club house which as heated luxury pool and healing whirlpool. Wide staircase, large laundry room with sink. remote controlled window treatments. Hardwood flooring throughout for clean, hypoallergenic stay. Well thought out Design of space. Double oven and (6) gas burning cook top plus griddle. Soft water, triple osmosis water for great tasting water to drink. Fridge has ice cube dispenser and xlarge fridge for food storage. Astroturf in front and backyard so all useable fun space. Dual paned window for low emission from sun. Pride of ownership large home that you will have a lovely stay, guaranteed.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Our home is located 30 minutes from a major airport, SAN, San Diego. 3.5 miles away from Carlsbad Legoland. from our front door to Pacific Shore in 10 minutes, no traffic in car. hiking trails that connect to over 10 miles of trails outside in door steps. Carlsbad Downtown has over 120 restaurants with variety of cuisine. in less than 45 minutes southbound, you could end up in Mexico. Driving North, you could end up in Los Angeles within 1.5 hours. Fishing, whale watching, surfing can all be served up within a short drive to Oceanside, California. This home is within a gated, private community of less than 80 Single Family Houses. Well maintained, one of the safest cities in Southern California. Our city if underrated which means the crowd is not here. The quality of life if second to none. Access to a major artery of Southern California called the 5 Freeway is a direct straight line with few traffic lights. Carlsbad is Rad. Our neighborhood is highly sought after and this home is top of the line, comparable and beyond a 5 star hotel. Consider door dash, a room service amenity and all major retailers including amazon groceries will drop off at front door.

Dodatne informacije

ID doma

#2315976Kopirana URL adresa!


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Mikrovalna pećnica
Sustav grijanja
Perilica suđa
Perilica rublja
Igraća konzola

Mali dodaci

Klima uređaj
Privatno parkirno mjesto
Privatni vrt
Stol za stolni tenis

Prikladan za djecu

Dječje igralište

Prijateljski na daljinu

Namjenski radni prostor
Velika brzina veze

Ekološki odgovorni sadržaji

Solarni paneli
Selektivno razvrstavanje otpada
Saznajte više

Kućna pravila

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Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Ovaj smještaj ima 5 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 439m2.
Počnite mijenjati svoj dom!

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