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Kuća Big Bear Cityban, Sjedinjene Države - Dennisov/in dom

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Druga nekretnina
Smještaj za 5
1 Spavaće sobe
1 Kupaonica
1 ft²
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Učlani se sada!

Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

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Dennis je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Our home is a meticulously preserved mid-century time capsule, perfect for a romantic getaway, a writer's retreat, or a small family looking for a quiet stay. Most of the furniture is authentic and everything except linens and towels are era-appropriate vintage. This unique property is cozy yet spacious with two-story windows overlooking the pines. An ideal spot to watch the snow fall by the fire, or relax in the spa après ski.

The cabin has a dedicated bedroom on the ground level with an en suite full bathroom and access to the spa off the back deck. On the second floor loft space you'll find a sofa bed for additional sleeping accommodations, as well as a hidden twin mattress tucked away in a private nook perfect for a child. The loft also features a large 4K TV (a small concession to modernity!) with guest access to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBOMax, Disney+, Criterion Channel, MLB, and more.

There is ample yard space outdoors to run around, nap in the hammock, or bask in the sun during warmer months. This is our second home and we’ve put a lot of thought and care into making this a special place. It was important to us to preserve the charm and character that the first owner created when he built this one-of-a-kind cabin from scratch in 1964.

While we've included a handful of modern upgrades such as AC, wifi, streaming services and new linens, most of what you will find in the cabin is vintage. Although you’ll be far from “roughing it,” we do not have a microwave, garbage disposal, or a dishwasher, and the furnace is original to the house. The fully stocked kitchen is functional -- perfect to cook and bake small meals -- but it’s not a chef’s kitchen suited for entertaining and the appliances are from the 60s. This cabin is most appropriate for a couple or small families that appreciate vintage decor and want a retro experience.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

We're just a 10 minute drive away from Snow Valley and Bear Mountain ski resorts. The lake is about 15 minutes away. Our neighborhood is safe and quiet, with a ravine and wooded area to explore just a short walk from the house.

Dodatne informacije

There is a $145 cleaning fee which may be paid via Venmo directly to our housekeepers.

While our maximum capacity is listed as 5 guests, the cabin is small and not suited for 5 adults. The sleeping accommodations in the loft are better suited for young children.

ID doma

#2247417Kopirana URL adresa!




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Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Ovaj smještaj ima 1 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 0m2.
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