Kuća medencével Sankt Marein bei Grazban, Austrija - Andrea und Martinov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 4
2 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
90 m²
1 veliki bračni krevet
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Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Andrea und Martin je opisao/la svoj dom na njemačkom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Unser Haus (Passivhaus mit Solarenergie), mit traumhaftem Fernblick (80km Fernsicht!), liegt in einem großen Naturgarten mit Streuobstwiese (25.000qm) in absoluter Ruhelage. Einen Pool gibt es auch. Man ist mitten im Grünen - Rehe kommen das ganze Jahr. Wir haben farbenprächtige Blumenbeete, Gemüsebeete, Beerensträucher, Maronibäume (Edelkastanien) und mehrere Terrassen. Im Haus gibt es viel Kunst, Skulpturen und Bücher, Möbel zum Wohlfühlen und natürlich ein gutes Internet - Wlan im ganzen Haus und im Garten, der Fernseher hat Satellit. Wir haben eine kleine, aber feine Küche, aber es gibt keinen Geschirrspüler. Wir haben zwei Schlafzimmer - eines im Erdgeschoss mit einem Doppelbett und eines im ersten Stock, jeweils mit einem eigenen Bad.
Our house (passive house with solar energy), with a fantastic distant view (80km distant view!), is situated in a large natural garden with orchard (25,000sqm) in an absolutely quiet location. There is also a pool. You are in the middle of the green - in spring you can hear the cuckoo, then the crickets come and make music, there are deer all year round, we have colourful flower beds, vegetable beds, berry bushes, chestnut trees and several terraces. In the house there is a lot of art, sculptures and books, furniture to feel good and of course a good internet - wifi in the whole house and in the garden, the television has satellite. We have a small but nice kitchen, but there is no dishwasher. We have two bedrooms - one on the ground floor and one on the first floor (douple bed), each with a bathroom
Our house (passive house with solar energy), with a fantastic distant view (80km distant view!), is situated in a large natural garden with orchard (25,000sqm) in an absolutely quiet location. There is also a pool. You are in the middle of the green - in spring you can hear the cuckoo, then the crickets come and make music, there are deer all year round, we have colourful flower beds, vegetable beds, berry bushes, chestnut trees and several terraces. In the house there is a lot of art, sculptures and books, furniture to feel good and of course a good internet - wifi in the whole house and in the garden, the television has satellite. We have a small but nice kitchen, but there is no dishwasher. We have two bedrooms - one on the ground floor and one on the first floor (douple bed), each with a bathroom
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
Wenn man Lust auf eine Stadt hat: Graz ist 20min entfernt, es gibt mehrere Thermen in ca. 30 - 40min Entfernung (Therme Waltersdorf, Therme Blumau, H2o Therme, Therme Loipersdorf, Therme Stegersbach), Wien ist 175km entfernt, Maribor 60km, Laibch 190km, Zagreb 180km, Triest (das Meer) 280km, Venedig 430km
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten zu wandern, auch Bergwandern und etliche Seen, die Steiermark ist bekannt für das gute Essen und die Buschenschänken und natürlich gibt es auch kulturell hier einiges zu sehen (Gsellmanns Weltmaschine, Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Kunstgarten-Openairmuseum Graz, Philemons-Exotengarten und viele andere Schaugärten, Freilichtmuseum Stübing, Kurkonzerte in Bad Gleichenberg, Museum Liaunig, Domenig-Steinhaus...
If you fancy a city: Graz is 20min away, There are several thermal baths within 30-40 minutes (Therme Waltersdorf, Therme Blumau, H2o Therme, Therme Loipersdorf, Therme Stegersbach), Vienna is 175km away, Laibch 190km, Maribor 60km, Zagreb 180km, Trieste (the sea) 280km, Venice 430km.
There are many possibilities for hiking, also mountain hiking and several lakes. Styria is known for the good food and the Buschenschänken and of course there is also a lot to see here culturally (Gsellmanns Weltmaschine, Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Kunstgarten-Openairmuseum Graz, Philemons-Exotengarten and many other show gardens, open-air museum Stübing, spa concerts in Bad Gleichenberg, Museum Liaunig, Domenig-Steinhaus...
Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten zu wandern, auch Bergwandern und etliche Seen, die Steiermark ist bekannt für das gute Essen und die Buschenschänken und natürlich gibt es auch kulturell hier einiges zu sehen (Gsellmanns Weltmaschine, Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Kunstgarten-Openairmuseum Graz, Philemons-Exotengarten und viele andere Schaugärten, Freilichtmuseum Stübing, Kurkonzerte in Bad Gleichenberg, Museum Liaunig, Domenig-Steinhaus...
If you fancy a city: Graz is 20min away, There are several thermal baths within 30-40 minutes (Therme Waltersdorf, Therme Blumau, H2o Therme, Therme Loipersdorf, Therme Stegersbach), Vienna is 175km away, Laibch 190km, Maribor 60km, Zagreb 180km, Trieste (the sea) 280km, Venice 430km.
There are many possibilities for hiking, also mountain hiking and several lakes. Styria is known for the good food and the Buschenschänken and of course there is also a lot to see here culturally (Gsellmanns Weltmaschine, Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Kunstgarten-Openairmuseum Graz, Philemons-Exotengarten and many other show gardens, open-air museum Stübing, spa concerts in Bad Gleichenberg, Museum Liaunig, Domenig-Steinhaus...
Dodatne informacije
Es kommt fast jeden Tag ein entzückender Tigerkater der von meinen Nachbarn und mir gefüttert wird. Wenn man möchte, kann man ihn füttern, aber man muss nicht, dann geht er zu meiner Nachbarin...
Almost every day an adorable cat comes and is fed by my neighbours and me. If you want to, you can feed him, but you don't have to, then he goes to my neighbour's....
Almost every day an adorable cat comes and is fed by my neighbours and me. If you want to, you can feed him, but you don't have to, then he goes to my neighbour's....
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Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
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Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Koliko spavaćih soba ima u ovom smještaju?
Ovaj smještaj ima 2 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 90m2.
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