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Kuća medencével Almatyban, Kazakhstan - Andreyov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 9
3 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
144 m²
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Učlani se sada!

Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

Saznajte više


Andrey je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Comfortable and warm two floors house with everything you need for living located 10 minutes from the airport, 20 minutes from the old city centre. Two toilets, one bathroom with a shower. Big living room with a bio fireplace, kitchen and direct exit to the terrace.
We also have three bedrooms (the 4th - the closed master bedroom) and a kitchen.

Terrace with a big table, chairs, and grill place. During summer, green grapes and different colours of roses are around - all over the terrace. In the first photo, you can see the summertime picture.

Back yard with a green grassplot surrounded with roses and several flower beds, sofa swing, fireplace, etc.

During summertime (from May to September), a frame pool (3.66 meters in diameter, 1.5 meters deep) is in the backyard.

We have a cat, a dog and a hamster in our house. Cat is friendly and pleasant to all guests! We will take our dog with us; no need to worry about that. Need to feed a cat and a hamster.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Two minutes walk to two local shops with plenty of food/ fruits and other staff; you can reach the city centre and most of the local sightseeing in 15-20 minutes by taxi (Uber, Yandex).

Shymbulak, Oi Qaragai and other ski resorts are 25 minutes by taxi.
Cinemas, walking streets, several dozen cafes and shops are 15 minutes by taxi.

In 10 minutes walk there is a big city park with old trees (more than 100 years), jogging and bicycle infra are available.

In five minutes by car/ taxi, you can visit two shopping malls.

Any cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Chinese, etc.) are accepted in Kazakhstan.

Over 76 countries' citizens can visit Kazakhstan without a visa for a 30 days. Portugal, Italy, France and most of the European countries, + the UK, and Thailand; the full list is here

Dodatne informacije

We are welcome to look at any new locations for reciprocal exchange (both simultaneously or not), including Christmas and other holidays, and Guest points. The whole house will be available for you (except for the master bedroom).
If you think the house is too big, we may only give you one or two rooms. Then we will share the kitchen and the bathroom. Feel free to ask.

It is better to have a car for rent. We can advise on some options.

Also, we can advise on the sightseeing outside the city, not too far - Issyk Lake, Birch Grove, Charyn Canyon, Kayindy Lake, Singing Dune, Turgen Gorge, Assy the Plato, Kok Zhailyau, Kolsai Lake and many more.

One small addition. We ask our guests to compensate our cleaning expenses of 50 euros. It is paid upon arrival, then we can plan and pay the cleaning services company in advance. Hope for understanding.

ID doma

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Ovaj dom ima kućne ljubimce koji mogu izazvati alergije.

Ostale životinje

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Da, ovaj apartman ima bazen. Više pojedinosti o bazenu i ostalim sadržajima naći ćete na ovoj stranici.
Da, ovaj smještaj ima WiFi vezu. Savjetujemo da o tome razgovarate s domaćinom kako biste bili sigurni da je brzina veze dovoljna za Vaše potrebe.
Da, ovaj smještaj ima jedno ili više parkirnih mjesta.
Ovaj smještaj ima 3 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 144m2.
Počnite mijenjati svoj dom!

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