Kuća saját kerttel Niederurnenban, Švicarska - Sibilleov/in dom
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Moj dom
Smještaj za 6
3 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
180 m²
1 jednostavan krevet
1 dodatni krevetić
Sibille ima značku sponzora
1 osoba osoba u njihovoj mreži.
Sibille je preporučio 1 osoba koji su se pridružili HomeExchange.Saznajte više
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Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.
Saznajte višeOpis
Sibille je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom, njemačkom.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom
Do you have a balloon? Our home is open for you from october, 5. until october, 13.
Our home is a beautiful, modern house with a nice garden. It is kids-friendly, completely defensed, with trampolin and table tennis. First floor of the house has a fully equipped kitchen, where you can prepare all of your meals, a big living room with a table for 8 persons, a fireplace and a sofa, a wardrobe and a bathroom with shower, toilet and double sink. Second floor has 4 bedrooms (1 queen size bed 160cm x 200cm, 2 queen size bed 140cm x 200cm, 2 double bed 90cm x 200cm) and a big bathroom with shower, whirl pool, toilet and double sink. We have two cats and they have to be fed during your stay. Our house is located 1 hour away from Zurich, Lucern, Chur, St. Gallen. Next big railway station is Ziegelbrücke (15 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive by bus). Next bus station is within a 2 minutes walk. Our house is a non smoker house. If you smoke, you can do this outside.
Our home is a beautiful, modern house with a nice garden. It is kids-friendly, completely defensed, with trampolin and table tennis. First floor of the house has a fully equipped kitchen, where you can prepare all of your meals, a big living room with a table for 8 persons, a fireplace and a sofa, a wardrobe and a bathroom with shower, toilet and double sink. Second floor has 4 bedrooms (1 queen size bed 160cm x 200cm, 2 queen size bed 140cm x 200cm, 2 double bed 90cm x 200cm) and a big bathroom with shower, whirl pool, toilet and double sink. We have two cats and they have to be fed during your stay. Our house is located 1 hour away from Zurich, Lucern, Chur, St. Gallen. Next big railway station is Ziegelbrücke (15 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive by bus). Next bus station is within a 2 minutes walk. Our house is a non smoker house. If you smoke, you can do this outside.
Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu
The school with playground is directly near our house.
It is located in a family house quartier. Around the house we have no main roads so the children can play outside.
Our village is on 437 m above sea level and has about 4000 inhabitants. You'll have many possibilities of excursions nearby. There is a cable care that runs just from the village to the Niederurnen Täli, a beautiful place up in the mountain where you can go hiking or visit a nature's playground thats situated just 45 Minutes walking distance from the top station.
The UNESCO Tectonic Arena Sardona is very close (http://www.unesco-sardona.ch/) and offers you a unique view into the formation of alpine mountains and valleys. The collision of Africa and Europe caused the Alps to tower up over millions of years.
The hole region offers you beautiful hiking areas, bike paths and larger and smaller, very clean an beautiful lakes (http://www.glarus.ch/xml_1/ Glarus)
You can get to the lake Walensee by car in just 5 minutes drive or 15 minutes by bike (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walensee).
Zurich and Chur can be reached by car in 35 minutes each and in a 20 minute drive you're almost on 2000 meters over sea in a place called Amden where you find beautiful slopes during winter and enjoy a stunnig view over the Alps all year round (http://www.gemeinde -amden.ch/de/).
All destinations can be achieved easily by public transport. In Switzerland, public transport is very well constructed and comfortable.
Wir wohnen in einem Dorf welches 437 m über Meer llegt und rund 4000 EInwohnern zählt. Von Niederurnen aus hat man vielzälige Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in unmittelbarer Nähe. Vom Dorf aus geht eine Seilbahn ins Niederurner Täli, direkt in die Bergwelt.
Das UNESCO Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona http://www.unesco-sardona.ch/ liegt quasi vor der Türe, das Glarnerland weist sich aus durch herrliche Wandergebiete, Fahrradwege und grössere wie kleinere Seen http://www.glarus.ch/xml_1/internet/de/intro.cfm .
Der Walensee http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walensee ist mit dem Auto in 5 Minuten erreichbar, mit dem Fahrrad in 15 Minuten.
Zürich und Chur erreicht man mit dem Auto in je 35 Minuten und in nur 20 Minuten Autofahrt befindet man sich im Winter auf knapp 2000 Metern in Amden auf der Skipiste und geniesst das ganze Jahr eine wunderschöne Aussicht über die Alpen http://www.gemeinde-amden.ch/de/. Alle Ziele können auch problemlos mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreicht werden. Diese sind in der Schweiz sehr gut ausgebaut und komfortabel wenn auch nicht ganz billig.
It is located in a family house quartier. Around the house we have no main roads so the children can play outside.
Our village is on 437 m above sea level and has about 4000 inhabitants. You'll have many possibilities of excursions nearby. There is a cable care that runs just from the village to the Niederurnen Täli, a beautiful place up in the mountain where you can go hiking or visit a nature's playground thats situated just 45 Minutes walking distance from the top station.
The UNESCO Tectonic Arena Sardona is very close (http://www.unesco-sardona.ch/) and offers you a unique view into the formation of alpine mountains and valleys. The collision of Africa and Europe caused the Alps to tower up over millions of years.
The hole region offers you beautiful hiking areas, bike paths and larger and smaller, very clean an beautiful lakes (http://www.glarus.ch/xml_1/ Glarus)
You can get to the lake Walensee by car in just 5 minutes drive or 15 minutes by bike (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walensee).
Zurich and Chur can be reached by car in 35 minutes each and in a 20 minute drive you're almost on 2000 meters over sea in a place called Amden where you find beautiful slopes during winter and enjoy a stunnig view over the Alps all year round (http://www.gemeinde -amden.ch/de/).
All destinations can be achieved easily by public transport. In Switzerland, public transport is very well constructed and comfortable.
Wir wohnen in einem Dorf welches 437 m über Meer llegt und rund 4000 EInwohnern zählt. Von Niederurnen aus hat man vielzälige Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in unmittelbarer Nähe. Vom Dorf aus geht eine Seilbahn ins Niederurner Täli, direkt in die Bergwelt.
Das UNESCO Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona http://www.unesco-sardona.ch/ liegt quasi vor der Türe, das Glarnerland weist sich aus durch herrliche Wandergebiete, Fahrradwege und grössere wie kleinere Seen http://www.glarus.ch/xml_1/internet/de/intro.cfm .
Der Walensee http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walensee ist mit dem Auto in 5 Minuten erreichbar, mit dem Fahrrad in 15 Minuten.
Zürich und Chur erreicht man mit dem Auto in je 35 Minuten und in nur 20 Minuten Autofahrt befindet man sich im Winter auf knapp 2000 Metern in Amden auf der Skipiste und geniesst das ganze Jahr eine wunderschöne Aussicht über die Alpen http://www.gemeinde-amden.ch/de/. Alle Ziele können auch problemlos mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreicht werden. Diese sind in der Schweiz sehr gut ausgebaut und komfortabel wenn auch nicht ganz billig.
Dodatne informacije
Nice garden with trampolin, table tennis, barbecue grill, big terrace
2 minutes walk from bus station, shopping center
10 minutes drive to lake of walensee and different mountains
2 minutes walk from bus station, shopping center
10 minutes drive to lake of walensee and different mountains
ID doma
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Ovaj smještaj ima 3 spavaće sobe.
Kolika je površina ovog smještaja?
Površina ovog smještaja je 180m2.
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