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Kuća saját kerttel Medfordban, Sjedinjene Države - Johnov/in dom

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Smještaj za 4
3 Sobe
2 Kupaonice
0 ft²

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John je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Located .8 miles from the new Green Line that takes you to the heart of Boston and 1.5 miles from subway Davis Square, the area is one of Boston's most sought-after neighborhoods. Davis Square, (referred to as the new Harvard Square) is home to young professionals, and families alike. The amenities of Tufts University are available to you, and the famous Bike Path is just a couple minutes' walk away. The single-family house is in a beautiful 3 bedroom 1.5 bath colonial. It is in a very safe neighborhood that is less than a mile to the subway but there is a bus connection just a quarter mile walk. There is wireless internet access. The kitchen is a fully functional kitchen with every pot, pan, and cooking accouterment you could imagine. There is a large backyard with a back deck and two patios. This is a wonderful house for a family who needs more space than an apartment but is also close to everything that Somerville, Cambridge, and Boston have to offer.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Located .8 miles from the new Green Line that takes you to the heart of Boston and 1.5 miles from Davis Square: Davis Square has long been a cultural destination. The Somerville Theatre and Johnny D's offer concerts and films. Spring brings Somerville Open Studios, summer the arts festival ArtBeat, and fall the HONK! Festival, celebrating street bands. It's a great area to visit or live. Davis Square is an extremely safe area easily accessible to and from Boston - located right on the T.
Davis Square is a great dining destination There's something for everyone in these blocks, from barbecue to vegan. One can find the cuisines of Mexico, Italy, China, India, Japan, and more. And there are new places to find delicious food opening all the time.

The Davis Square neighborhood is a perfect location. The Tufts University neighborhood has professionals and college students, a vibrant and very safe fun location. Often see people of all ages jogging biking and enjoying the many places to eat and relax outside. Walk to Harvard Square / Porter Square.

Dodatne informacije

The neighborhood is extremely safe and fun. Single-family house in Tufts University neighborhood, close to Cambridge, and Somerville
It is less than a mile away from S where you can go to Boston
The house is a beautiful house which has been updated and kept very nice.

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