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Kuća saját kerttel Newtonban, Sjedinjene Države - Larryov/in dom

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Moj dom
Smještaj za 9
4 Sobe
3 Kupaonice
3500 ft²
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Pridružite se zajednici za 160,00 € i organizirajte onoliko razmjena koliko želite tijekom 1 godine.

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Larry je opisao/la svoj dom na engleskom.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u vezi s ovim domom

Carol and I have been lovingly working on the "Five Year Plan" for our house since 1982. This charming antique Cape, was built by millworkers in 1835 and is listed in the local Registry of Historic Homes. It is located on a block of the largest number of continuous such historic homes in Newton. The house, including the woods on the hill behind the house, sit on more than an acre of land and create a peaceful setting in which to listen to the birds and relax in the back yard in any season.

The house has central air conditioning, three High Def. TVs, four bedrooms, two and one half bathrooms (one with a shower and one with a bathtub and a shower). The new addition (with mud room and kitchen) was built in 2020 and has all the expected conveniences: Wolf oven and steam oven, 3 door Thermador fridge, Dacor cooktop, marble countertops, Bosch dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker, etc.

The laundry room has new high capacity washer and gas dryer machines. The refinished basement has a sectional sofa, 2 HD TVs (one for the treadmill). There is a Jeep Cherokee for your use. We also have a landscaper and a house cleaning service. There is a new propane BBQ grill bought in 2023.

Što će Vam se svidjeti u ovom susjedstvu

Newton is one of the nicest towns in the United States. A leafy, clean and safe community. We sit on a quiet one-way street, with the original owners buried across the street in the Church cemetery. There are flower beds at every turn. The Lower Falls village is close knit in a way that has become more special and rare these days. Surrounded by the Charles River on three sides, it is a haven for wildlife; and the Village hosts events throughout the year, including the Falls Ball and the Progressive Dinner. Our home is also only a short walk away from several nice restaurants, a Starbucks, post office, CVS, walking trails, a public golf course with cross country skiing in the winter, as well as a nearby park affording free tennis courts, soccer and baseball fields, and a playground.

Our house is in an ideal location to explore Boston and New England. We are located at the crossroads of Route 128 (I-95) and the Mass Pike (I-90), providing an easy hour's drive to the beautiful beaches and mountains of New England. Public transportation into Boston, by commuter rail or the "T" (our subway), is one mile from the house. The trip into town takes only 20 minutes by train or 40 minutes by subway. Boston Logan Airport is a 20 minute drive away.

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Ovaj smještaj ima 4 spavaće sobe.
Površina ovog smještaja je 325m2.
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