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Casa en Göteborg, Suecia - en casa de Kim

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Residencia principal
Capacidad 8
3 Habitaciones
1 Cuarto de baño
136 m²
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Kim ha descrito su casa en sueco.

Lo que te va a encantar en esta casa

The house is a terraced house and is on the gable. It consists of 3 floors and a terrace at the front and a large terrace at the back. The entrance floor consists of a modern and open kitchen, bathroom with bathtub, washing machine and dryer and master bedroom with the biggest King size bed and exit to the large terrace. Floor 1 consists of a family room/TV room and a bedroom for 2 children or 1 adult. the basement level consists of a bedroom with a bed and a sofa bed.

Lo que te va a encantar del barrio

The house is located in Partille, which is just outside central Gothenburg. if you walk, it's a 12-minute walk to the city center where there are grocery stores, a shopping center and also a bus terminal where you can easily get to Gothenburg in about 15 minutes or by train, then it takes 9 minutes to the central station in Gothenburg. 150m to rock climbing of all levels of difficulty and hiking trails of different lengths in wonderful nature, very hilly. It is 5 km to the nearest swimming beach suitable for all ages with a jumping tower. 3km from the house there is a dairy farm where you can buy milk directly on the farm and go and greet the cows, there is also a sheep paddock on the way there that you can go into during the summer.

¿Algo más que añadir?

Things to do in Gothenburg and Partille.
Liseberg, which is one of our largest amusement parks and which is very popular.
Boat trips in the archipelago
Nice and cozy restaurants
Night life with variety in clubs
Mountain climbing
Mountain bike trail
Hiking trails
Fishing trips
and much more

ID de la casa

#2276937URL copiada


Nuestros básicos

Cine en casa
Televisión inteligente

Equipamiento único

Balcón / terraza
Plaza de aparcamiento privada

Comodidades para niños/as

Juguetes de los niños
Parque infantil
Equipo de bebe

Especial teletrabajo

Conexión de alta velocidad
Espacio de trabajo dedicado

Ecología y sostenibilidad

Clasificación selectiva de residuos
Acceso en transporte público
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Reglas de casa

Niños bienvenidos


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Preguntas Frecuentes

Sí, este alojamiento dispone de conexión wifi. No obstante, te recomendamos que lo consultes con el/la anfitrión/a para asegurarte de que la velocidad de la red es adecuada para tus necesidades.
Sí, este alojamiento dispone de una o varias plazas de parking.
Este alojamiento tiene 3 dormitorios.
La superficie de este alojamiento es de 136m2.
¡Empieza a hacer intercambios de casa!

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